Looking for advise please


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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i dont really post much. im a bit shy . But im having a worry at the moment and could really do with some advise.

At the weekend i had some problems with my Oh which made me cry nearly all day Saturday and made me feel absolutely terrible most of the weekend. I get anxiety and this has made it a lot worse. Now i am so worried the emotional stress may have affected the baby in some way. Now that i am thinking this all the time its making me stay upset.

Can being very upset to the point of not being able to breath properly have an effect on the baby?

I really don't know, but I've been the same at times the last few weeks. DH and I are having a rough patch and are arguing constantly resulting in me getting in a state like you have described.

Men don't understand how much of an emotionally fragile time being pregnant is.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: You just need to calm down sweet. Everyone gets upset at some point in pregnancy 9months is a long time so everyone will have cried or had a argument, but the more you think about it then the more you will get worked up about things. I wouldn't worry so much for your babes health I expect she/he is doing very well in there but if your getting so upset I would be worrying about your own health instead. :hug: Try not to get too upset about things for your own good.

Also you don't need to feel shy everyone on here is really lovely and helpful so if you feel you need to talk or you have any worries then don't feel shy about it thats what these places are for :hug: hope your feeling better soon xx
i've heard that it is important to stay calm durin pregnancy, as you give off different hormones when happy or sad. They candtect stress, anger or sadness.....but not to a harmful point! your baby should be fine, just try not to work yourself up and warn OH that you need to stay calm for that reason.
I had an experience similar to you when i was about 6 weeks pregnant, made myself very ill from crying and stress but baby is fine and growing well. Try and focus on baby and look after yourself lovely x
Thanks for the replies. :hug:

Its just a big viscious sp? circle. I am upset about being upset. How stupid does that sound. The only person who really understands my anxiety and how it affects me is my oh. So it doesnt help when he causes it!!!!

First have some of these :hug: and dont worry we dont bite in here tis nice to see new members!

I cried like you descibe for nearly the whole 1st trimester getting my head around being preggers again, TBH alot of 2nd too. Your LO will be fine otherwise our bodies would not allow us to be the hormonal messes we clearly are throughout the 9 months.

There have been studies to show happy mummies mean happy babies, but TBH i think its a load of rollocks, most of these studies are paid by some company somewhere needing a specific answer for monitary gain and usually get the answer they want to hear (suprise suprise when they are paying)

Hope things get better soon :hug:
aramintalovegrove said:
First have some of these :hug: and dont worry we dont bite in here tis nice to see new members!

I cried like you descibe for nearly the whole 1st trimester getting my head around being preggers again, TBH alot of 2nd too. Your LO will be fine otherwise our bodies would not allow us to be the hormonal messes we clearly are throughout the 9 months.

There have been studies to show happy mummies mean happy babies, but TBH i think its a load of rollocks, most of these studies are paid by some company somewhere needing a specific answer for monitary gain and usually get the answer they want to hear (suprise suprise when they are paying)

Hope things get better soon :hug:
Completely agree!

I've had moments where I've not been able to breath properly through sobbing and literally so emotional that I've just been SOOOO low. My baby is fine! Yours will be too... :hug: xx
First have some of these :hug: and dont worry we dont bite in here tis nice to see new members!

I cried like you descibe for nearly the whole 1st trimester getting my head around being preggers again, TBH alot of 2nd too. Your LO will be fine otherwise our bodies would not allow us to be the hormonal messes we clearly are throughout the 9 months.

There have been studies to show happy mummies mean happy babies, but TBH i think its a load of rollocks, most of these studies are paid by some company somewhere needing a specific answer for monitary gain and usually get the answer they want to hear (suprise suprise when they are paying)

Hope things get better soon :hug:
aramintalovegrove said:
First have some of these :hug: and dont worry we dont bite in here tis nice to see new members!

I cried like you descibe for nearly the whole 1st trimester getting my head around being preggers again, TBH alot of 2nd too. Your LO will be fine otherwise our bodies would not allow us to be the hormonal messes we clearly are throughout the 9 months.

There have been studies to show happy mummies mean happy babies, but TBH i think its a load of rollocks, most of these studies are paid by some company somewhere needing a specific answer for monitary gain and usually get the answer they want to hear (suprise suprise when they are paying)

Hope things get better soon :hug:
Completely agree!

I've had moments where I've not been able to breath properly through sobbing and literally so emotional that I've just been SOOOO low. My baby is fine! Yours will be too... :hug: xx
Thanks everyone. :hug:

Im feeling better now after all the replies.

i havent posted on here much either as i never know what to say lol but after reading your post just had to say... I am so glad someone else feels like this and i'm not the only one, i suffered from panic attacks and anxiety when i was about 20 and had councelling which was a huge help but this last trimester seems to be bringing it all back, and it is just a viscious circle you need to break , i panic cause i feel i cant breathe sometimes then i get worse cause i'm thinking about it then it spirals out of control, all though my OH is usually pretty good about it the other day he told me to shut up and go to sleep ( It was bedtime) so i know its not as easy as it sounds but just try and relax or get up and find something to take your mind off it to snap away from it. I just keep telling myself its all worth it when when we have got our littlr bundles of joy in our arms xx

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