Loo trips


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
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Right for the whole of first trimester I never had the frequent loo trips, and for most of the 2nd trimester I haven't either but things have changed :eh:

I waken through the night at either 4 or 5am :shakehead:

think this isn't going to get better now I have a fair sized baby bouncing off my bladder :lol:

How's everyone else coping?
I have about 4 trips a night to the loo :(

But cos I get bad headaches, I keep drinking water (although not as much as some people do!) so I'm always needed a wee!
I have 1 or 2 trips at night. It is during the day that is a nightmare. I have a toilet upstairs and one downstairs. I will often go upstairs and by the time I am get downstairs need to go again. Hubby thinks it is crazy, but not much I can do!

Could baby be bouncing on my bladder and me not feel it, other than needing to wee of course, lol? I am not feeling full on movements from bubba yet so curious if that could be the reason.
I'm up about 4-5 times a night :( I try to stop drinking about 6pm but it doesn't help and if i don't drink enough during the day, i get bad period pains!! I don't care about getting my body back, i just want my bladder back lol
I've always been a frequent toilet visitor, but never during the night until I lived with hubby - very strange.

Could be the reason I'm always soo blooming tired!

I'm sure sometimes it's baby though, cos it'll be a really intense need!!
Glad its not just me - I am peeing for Britain! Go ALL day and then am up probably 4 times a night, and I wake up absolutely bursting to go! Long-ish car journeys very difficult, have to work out where all the loo stops are :)

Am same as Jennilisanne though, getting bad headaches so having to drink loads of water which probably isn't helping things!
Same with me girls..I never used to get up at nite for loo trips but they r routine every nite....this seems to be making me more tired now..ppl say it is for preparing us after the baby is born when he/she will get up during the nite..:)
Well lastnight i was up around 4 times needing the loo but also woke up with tooth ache which is a pain...But recently i have started needing the loo more i mean today i must have been to the loo at least 3-4 times neededing to poo lol has anyone eles had this??? :oooo:
i thought twice was a lot haha! guess i have nothing to moan about, 2 times is about right for me in the night! the only difference with during the day toilet trips are when i need a wee, i need it NOW! so its harder for me to hold it i guess (pelvic floor lol!) x
I'm getting up 3-4 times a night but haven't been able to sleep more than 3 hours in a row since getting pregnant - body seems to be coping with it okay although last night I woke at 2am and could not get back to sleep - gutted, its been a reaaaalllly long day at work, will be taking myself off to bed very soon :)
I'm the same guys, have been 3-4 times a night since halfway through Tri 1 - I feel like I'm doing baby 3 hours feeds already!

I'm the same as Jenni and Tania, need to drink enougth, and that is not helping, the 3 times I tried to cut bakc , or stop drinking at a set time in evening, I have woken up to bad calf cramps, and then have myscle ache for a few days after ! so I go with the loo breaks. I am tired, but as up early, I get more done and have not yet been late for school , a week plus into new term! yayyyy I look like a good mum for a change!

Hope it was just a few funny random nights Mamafy and not a new thing for you...
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i have a mixture if night time loo trips depending on what i have drunk throughout the day xx

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