What have you noticed...

Amanda W

Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2010
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That has changed on your body or anything you do more than usual..I shall go first

1.My bump is going alot more harder.
2.My bump is also showing alot more.
3.My boobs have grown alot more.
4.Iam going to the loo alot more frequent-that may also may be because im drinking more water.
5.My apperiate is either very hungry or not so hungry.:shock:
^^^as above...my bump is now v noticeable,gone from podge to pregnant lol,my boobs r huge,none of my clothes fi,now livin in leggings and long tshirts. Also switch from been really hungry to no appetite,often find myself missin meals but then feel sick as a result xx
^^^as above...my bump is now v noticeable,gone from podge to pregnant lol,my boobs r huge,none of my clothes fi,now livin in leggings and long tshirts. Also switch from been really hungry to no appetite,often find myself missin meals but then feel sick as a result xx

the top of my bum is hurting for no reason lol
All of the above Amanda -

plus - Well in the last few days , I have ended up falling asleep everywhere again , like I did at 9/10 weeks in tri 1! Napping and conking out at 8pm in front of the tely, did anyone else have or have this now at the same stage 19/20 weeks?
I can't eat as much as I used to before I was pregnant and as a result I'm loosing a bit of weight, not much but it does feel like my boobs are actually getting smaller!!

My bump feels harder but still not very big, I have invested in some maternity jeans as my normal jeans are getting a little tight and I do look preggers in them!!

As for this need to go to the loo more often its now getting to the stage where its driving me insane - I go and then less than 5 mins later I need to go again (and its only like a little trickle - sorry tmi!!)

I'm either really tired or full of energy - today I'm very tired and didn't help that I had a 4 hour drive home, particulary seeing as I had to have frequent comfort breaks!

Best thing so far, which has only started properly this week is feeling baby move, especially when I'm sitting down watching telly or something and it moves which gives me a bit of a shock and I'm like 'whats that?' then I remember!
yes i agree its lovely feeling the baby isnt it x
bump is massive. (i look 4/5months pregnant)
im never relly hungry and when i am hungry i never know what to eat
bump is getting a little harder
more cramping
i need to pee alot more
all ofthe above with a few additions!!! headaches, loss of libido (although i can get periods of feeling 'up for it' and hubby is too tired) lol, hormonal, v discharge (soz if tmi!!), but will be well worth it!! xx
Yeah, the same really.

Bump is actually a bump, not pies!
Hairy tummy :(!!!
Totally exhausted all the time
Not such a good temper :roll:
Total lack of apetite (so eat when I think I should, and usually end up having chocolate, which I never used to be that bothered about before.)
Boobs, hurrah!! :lol:

And one thing that really annoys me - people don't look at my face anymore!!! They talk looking at my tummy, and one person at work every time I go past tilts her head and looks lovingly at my stomach - a little weird me thinks!!!
a very noticeable bump, bigger boobies, more energetic now but still must go to bed by 11 and sleep til at least 7 or im shattered through the day, im more hungry these days and eat bigger portions, find my self drinking lotsand therefore peeing much more, and the occasional dose of sciatica tops it all off :) xx
some days im full of engery and other days i stay in bed haha
..:)I am feeling all of the above mentioned by every body...
Same as above, I am so tired now tho and have backache :-(
One thing im getting at the mo is like a copper taste in the mouth and its not nice always seems to make me sick anyone eles getting this
i didnt knw that as u come up to 20 weeks u can lose ur mojo again??? does that happen to everyone?

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