Lmao, have to share.....


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2010
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Totally off topic but had to say Reshaun, my FOUR year old just got out of bed after hours of messing around in his room saying he couldn't sleep came out and said(EXACT dialogue....)

"Mum, somethings not right"

"Reshaun, I'm getting a bit sick of this, u should have been asleep hours ago, whats the problem"

"Its just my heart is beating too slow. Here, feel it"

He lifted his little pyjama top up, got my hand and put it on his tiny chest and said;

"Told ya, that's not healthy is it, I'm worried!"

PMSL!!! I actually burst out laughing as a) it was fine and b) since when did he turn into a 2ft something hypochondriac??

Had to share it as i found it hilarious and he's clearly running out of excuses not to go to sleep!!!
Awww so cute he seems like such a wee character!

Aww thats super cute.... good excuse

My lil one came doctors yesterday with me and they had me on a monitor for half hour to check for contractions etc and listen to baby heart beat.. and he said 'mum that doesnt sound right, whys his heart so loud is must hurt his ears' lol they do come out with funny stuff.
Lol, that is cute Beth. Bet he was genuinely concerned too!!

He is a right character that firmly believes he's about 15! PMSL!
Awww Beth that's sweet!
Led he just looks like a wee character in your pics!

that is so cute. gota love some of the things they come out with. xxx
that is so cute, thirsty, cold, hungry obviously doesn;t work so he'll try bad heart lol.

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