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Little Man/Charley Skuse

Lacey's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2010
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To begin with i wanna say a huge thank you to everyone on pregnancy forum. If it wasn't for you guys, i don't think i would've got through the last 9 months and i'm so glad i got to share my journey with you guys!
So thank you so much!!
So here is my very quick but painful birth story!

As you all know Tim went to Italy on sunday 17th and even though i was nervous as it was so close to my due date, i thought it should still be ok.
On the monday, i woke up with abit of blood in my plug and saw the midwife who put me on a CTG machine as i hadn't felt alot of movement. The machine was saying i was contracting but i couldn't feel anything!
On the tuesday, had a little bit more blood but still nothing to be concerned with. After reading evie's labour tips, i thought right lets give some stuff ago so went on the wii fit for 40mins, had curry that night, but it was only a mild korma and used my vibrator to get the big "O"!
Still didn't feel any different so decided to give up and thought he'll come when he's ready! That night had a warm bath then went to bed! Slept really well until wednesday morning about 2ish when Tim got back from Italy, i kept needing to get up for a wee but was only dribbling which started to get very annoying! Also couldn't sleep but put it down to Tim being back and snoring next to me! Woke up wednesday morning about 6am with a weird feeling in my groin, it felt like Charley was really trying to push his head down so tried going back to sleep but the pains kept coming so decided to start timing them! To start off with they were every 5-6mins lasting only 30secs so didn't think anything of it! Got to 7am and decided to get up and have brekkie and thats when they started getting stronger and i thought hmmm maybe he is actually coming now!
Txt my mum who came down to take Lace to school and told Tim i was in labour and his response was "what time is it?" I said 7.45am and he tutted, rolled over and went back to sleep!!!!
Please don't laugh but next thing i did was actually straighten my hair! I thought, i don't want curly hair in any pics haha then decided to bend over my ball as that was the only way to take the pressure off my pelvis. It felt like i needed a poo but kept getting the pains across my pelvic bone!
About 9ish i decided right Tim has to get up now so i told him to get up, and he said i'm going for a shower so i shouted, i don't think your son's gonna wait but he went for a shower anyway! By then i was in tears cos i thought if it hurts this much now then whats it gonna be like later!
Then Me, Tim and my mum got in the car and sped off to the hospital, had 3 contractions in the space of getting out the car and getting to the labour ward!
As soon as i got in the room i said i didn't want an internal and they said thats fine, got me on the bed and i said the pressure was unbelievable! They said did i need to push and i said yes but didn't want to just in case it wasn't time and didn't wanna tear! So they did give me an internal in the end which actually didn't hurt and they said he's heads right there so to start pushing! I got on the gas n air but didnn't really use it as i felt more in control without it! With each contraction i could feel his head trying to come out but i was so scared bu now i didn't wanna push and kept shouting fuck me fuck me! oops! The midwifes were laughing their heads off!
Anyway started pushing could feel the "ring of fire" and omg abit of advice when you feel it, keep pushing!!! My contraction started to die down half way through delivering the head but i thought bugger it keep pushing cos im not going through that again! Once the head was out, it was 1 more push and he was delievered! Yay!!!
He was placed straight on me for skin to skin, then the placenta was delievered!!
In my noted it says i was in labour for 54mins but i said 4 hours as thats when i woke up to contractions!
I only grazed so didn't need stitches and im suprised but it doesn't hurt to wee!!
After a feed and i had a bath, we tried getting dischraged but Charley temp was down so i put him under my top for 2 hours to warm him up but every time the midwife took his temp it just wasn't going up so i told her to use a different thermoniter and guess what... it was fine! grrr so we could've gone home ages ago!
Charleys a very contended baby, seems to be feeding every 4 hours atm and Lacey loves her little brother!!!!

So Charley Skuse born at 10.17am, on the 20-10-2010.
8lb 6oz and 54 1/2 cm's! Born 8 days early!

Will try to add pics soon to this and thank you again everyone!!!

Chaz, Tim, Lacey and Charley

x x x

Wow! You done fab!! I knew you'd be about a week early! Chuffed he's here Hun, he's gorgeous!!!!
Congrats hun and well done! Can't wait to see piccs of him :D

bless a little chunkier then you thought hey :D well done chaz!! i cant belive hes here!! :love:
Great story!!! Glad all is well!! Congratulations!! Xx

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sounds like u done fab hun x
Yay :D actually have given me confidence in not needing an epidural and stuff! Congrats! X
Afew pics of my little man!!



Well done!!! That was a lovely read.

You did so well on a bit of gas and air, gives us waiting to pop some hope that it wont be too bad :lol:

Congratulations again xxx
Congrats to you and your family! You did a great job! He's gorgeous :)

X x x x
I forgot to say they had to break my waters after continuously saying please break them cos I could feel them bulging, they wouldn't to start with then finally did 10mins before he was born! They went everywhere!!!
Many congratulations to you all. He is so lovely!!
ah, he's lovely Chaz well done, and congrats to you all!! :love:
Thank you everyone! He had his check up earlier and cried when they did the hip check :(
He's currently having cuddles with daddy :D
Congratulations hun, hes beautiful xxx

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