Hi Ladies Just would like to let you all know about the birth of my baby daughter Jessica. Born on the 28th November 2007 at 6.01am. Around midnight on the 27th I started to get back ache and fell asleep until about 6am my back ache had got worse and I made my OH get up and get me a hot water bottle. At 6.30am I started to get mild iregular contractions. They were coming and goin all morning until I got in the bath and then it seemed to stop my contractions so I decided to get dressed and go out to get a few bits of shopping. Before I left I sat down at the pc and had one big contraction and felt a pop and then a gush of water that kept coming and coming. We left to goto hospital shortly after that. When I arrived at hospital I had my blood pressure checked and it was high so had to be monitered the whold time i was in labour so didn't really get to move around as much as I would of liked. I managed to get to 6cm with only gas and air the midwife then stretched me to 7cm but I felt really disheartened that I had been in labour for so long and hadn't progressed as much as the midwife thought I would so I asked for a epidural. Which was great! By 3am I had got to 10cm and it was time to start pushing but having the epidural caused my contractions to stop and I couldn't push Jessica out so I was put on a drip to get my contractions going again. Which didn't worked. The midwife then called in a doctor and it was decided that I needed a vontouse delivery as I wasn't getting anywhere with the pushing. So I ended up with a vontouse delivery and a episotomy and baby Jessica was born at 6.01am on the 28th weighing 5lb15. It was hard work but sooo worth it and I would do it all again tomorrow if I had to. xxxxxxx