Little Man/Charley Skuse

Aww Chaz those pics are gorgeous, brought tear to my eye :) im so happy for you, Tim and Little Lacey.. enjoy you lil man x
congrts all of u. i need some suggestion, my baby is 9 weeks old and now i want to introduce bottle coz i ll start work in few weeks. i tried to give her but she didnt. what do i do, wht do u think its too late..........
Aww what a cutie! Congratulations again to u and all the family! :yay: Well done, so fast!! Hope mines the same! :) x x
Yay - congratulations!!! He is soooo cute - well done xxxxxxx
Ahh massive congrats Chaz he is gorgeous! Well done on the quick labour it sounds like you were very in control - I hope mine's like yours!
Very happy for you all xxx
awww chaz you lucky thing to have much a cute little man love his dark hair, what a brill birth story you did so well and very fast xxxxxxx
He's got a lovely full head of hair hasn't he! Bless him! You sounded like you did a fab job hun x
congratulations he is stunning!!! reading your story and seeing the photos of your boy actually brought a tear to my eye!! mainly at the thought of giving birth myself and 'the ring of fire' WTF?!? but also at the thought that i will see my baby girl at the end of it all!

Charley is gorgeous and i LOVE his name! Im So pleased for you all, welldone xxx
I'd forgotten about the ring of fire! Lovely story hun congrats xx
Well done and Congratulations! Really enjoyed your birth story xxx




Sorry, can't stop showing him off! Still haven't put pics on facebook so need to show him off somewhere! Lol
Aw luck at his chubby cheeks! He's gorgeous! He's got loads of dark hair too, was lacey as dark Hun?

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