LH surge and ovulation


Mar 30, 2005
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I am aware that not all women ovulate during their cycle. Can anyone tell me that if you detect your LH surge during a cycle does that mean that you WILL actually ovulate? Thanks
If the surge line is similar to or darker than the reference line then you have detected your LH surge and have reached your most fertile time so yeah you will ovulate
hope this helps?
no problems!

i am going to start testing with my OK tomorrow so hopefully pretty soon I will detect my LH surge - have you detected yours?

Don't want to disapoint you.. But i thought the same. If we detect our LH surge I assumed then we must be ovulating. But instructions that came with the OK explained that an LH surge can be noticed (2 lines) but an egg may not be released or have grown. So we can have the LH hormone but not ovulating. I think it's another mean trick our bodies play on us... The instructions didn't state the chances of this happening. Hopefully it is very low.
Yes, I suspected as much.

I used the clear blue digistal test, and all it said on the instructions (from what I can remember) is that once your LH surge has been detected it means that you will ovulate within the next 24-48 hours.

However, when I voiced my concerns to my gynaecologist about my ovulation he told me that if my periods were regular then there shouldn't be a problem. So, I don't really know what to think. But, I have decided that I'm not going to become obsessed with the thought of conceiving, I'll just wait and see what happens, and still keep my fingers crossed! Thanks anyway.

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