Acne associated with LH surge


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2011
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I have been tracking last three cycles during up to and post ovulation and I get acne on my chin but cannot seem to pin point if it's before my LH surge or after because if it happened after I know I have ovulated.

My opks are dark and I've tried upping the mui so I can't really tell. I've googled it but all advice is around AF time.

Anyone get this too or know?

Buckets of new years :dust: xx
Yup it's LH.

Most months I get one HUGE sore spot on my chin.

I've not got on this month so now I'm worrying even though I had +OPKs
Yeah same I was worrying because it was on CD 11 last two cycles this time it's CD 17 so I wonder if I have already ov'd?

If it was prior I could then I could predict I was about to Ov but if I Ov then get spots then I'm 2dpo according to my tracker.

Going by my darkest opk today and spot I think object Ov on CD17 which is good because although irregular cycle day ranges i know I'm Ov.

I share your worry normally I get a break out but not this month plus I haven't really noticed ewcm. Argh!xx
I have dtd cd12,13, 15 &16 going todo it again tonight and tomorrow and hope that's good for this month. We only get a chance in the evenings I hope its enough!xx
I have got horrible spots this month & it's down to the LH surge, my body has tried twice this month 2 ovulate so spots are ridiculous. Really getting me down though.
Ah sorry to hear that Amber, ask the docs if you can take a thin acne cream? I get mine on my chin, I only noticed this last few cycles as I've been symptom spotting never made the association before..doh!x
Can u get any cream over the counter sunbeam? My spots arent really like acne, their big spots so I look awful! Never had them like this before, normally I'll get 1 a week or so before my period. X
I'm not too sure as I don't get that but do you get any other symptoms like OV pain or CM? Also by the sounds of it you done plenty of BD :) I only done it twice before OV and caught so all the best to you! I'll be hoping you and the others join me in Tri 1 very soon xxx
I used previously benzamycin gel but it's been discontinued in the Uk,I might try clearasil but it's not too bad. I normally have Ov pain but this month no pain or cm really just the spot which has appeared today and my dark opk.

Normally I get alot of pain on my right side but it's all quiet so in just hoping I really have Ov'd this week!

Congratulations Tara! You must be so excited :)


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