Levels of HGC in urine *UPDATE*


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2012
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Hi girls just a quick question,I had a mc last week at 5+4 and was told to phone the dr this week if still showing bfp(dr said my bfp was faint when i mc)I have just done a test and its still quite a strong bfp so have phoned dr and they have told me to take a urine sample in the morning and they will test the level of hormones in it.Can they actually check the level from urine??I had only heard other say that they have blood tests.Thanks x
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im not sure the answer to your question just wanted to say im sorry for your loss. x x x
I am sorry for your loss hon.

I was 5+4 on Tuesday when I had my mc and my bloods have come back as 16.3 so my levels have dropped a lot in 2 days. You must have been further along than you thought possibly? x
You need bloods for actual levels, but there is something to be gained from checking the urine tests. A much darker line on a urinary pregnancy test would give an indication that things are not as straightforward as a simple mc. I gather if when your doc does the test if its a much darker line, they'll either then do bloods or send you to the EPU.

I know i'd rather pee in a cup than have a blood test, but that's because i'm a coward!!!

My EPU have been happy for me to use lightening and disappearing lines on urinary pregnancy tests to confirm the hormone level dropping in mc and after erpc rather than have blood tests (unless it doesn't go to plan).

Its taken 3 weeks for me to get a negative cheapie HPT this time, a week ago the line was still quite dark.
They can't check levels with urine just see how strong the lines are , sorry fr ur loss xx
I think the ladies have answered the question but just wanted to let you know that after my mc I was still getting darkish lines - it took over two weeks after mmc management to get a negative test - I hope that its just to hormones dropping and nothing more complicated for you cxx
Hi, u need a hcg blood test to measure the values of the hormone. Even if you have had a bleed and or pain there could be something still growing ie an ectopic. You should have your hcg measured twice a week till the level is less than 5 which is classed as a negative result. I've been through, I had a pregnany of unknown location. Pm me if it is and you want advice. X
Thanks girls, does sound like my dr doesnt know what he is on about!I have also started bleeding again ,i thought that was over as not bled for 4 days.x
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Been to doctors to get urine test results and they said i am all clear,i asked what thet ment and she said there is no urine infection!I told that was not what they were suppossed to be testing for.Now i have to wait till Monday and take another sample in so they can send it off,should get results on Tuesday.I have asked if they can definatly get the levels from urine or do i need blood tests but she said they can tell from urine.
I wish i hadnt done the hpt test yesterday as seeing a positive result has really messed with my head and i cant help hoping that by some miricle they will tell me i still have my baby.My head knows it has gone but i just need it confirmed so i can start to move on.x
My goih your gp sounds awful. Is there a early preg unit near you? Check the association for early pregnancy website. They are brilliant ans will give u a blood hcg and result immediately. If u r still getting a + pg test but are bleeding thew have to rule out an ectopic or preg of unknown location.
I have phoned my local early pregnancy unit but they wont see me without a referal :(
Seriously! That is shocking.did u explain what happening? Maybe try a different gp at your surgery?
Sorry to see you're having such a nightmare with the doctor, talk about the last thing you need. :-(
I hope you get it sorted ASAP. I agree with trying to deal with a different doc or try out of hours service tomorrow (even if you have to exaggerate the pain ) they met refer you to epu. Or even A&E?
Best of luck hun.
Well i have finally got a scan date 2 weeks after my mc!The doctors made me do a second urine test and they sent it off and came back at over 25 so have agreed to scan me and said i need blood tests,i told them last week they would have to do bloods but they insisted they could get levels from urine!They have been useless so i have decided once this is sorted i am changing doctors.
My only problem now is i should be having scan in the morning and they have given loads of snow and its started already so i dont know if i will even be able to get there!x
I hope you get there and get answers. Your doctor sounds useless x
I had hcg in my system for over 5 weeks so your may just be dropping v slowly too. The scan won't show anything with a hcg of 25 but at least someone other than your ridiculous gp is involved. Make sure the suggestion is regular blood tests till the level is less than 5. What I guess is happeneing is either its a v slow hcg drop or the cells are hanging on somewhere, trying hard to continue so still producing hcg but dying v slowly ;( that's what happened to me.
Daisy I hope things are getting better, your dr is not good at all. Neither was mine, I should be 10/11 weeks and when I went to meet my midwife last week for the first time they had double booked me and couldn't see me - now I think I have had mc I doubt I will ever meet them... still awaiting appointment, they do not care! However agree with others, my hospital's Early Pregnancy Unit couldn't have been nicer and if you can't get an appointment go to A&E or phone NHS24 and they will make an appointment for you. Hope your scan goes ok & snow has gone xx
No i had to cancel due to the snow,have to go on Monday now.x

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