Slow rising hCG levels


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
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Hi Ladies

I got a BFP on Monday 4th June and had a blood test on Thursday which showed my levels at 246.6 and I had a blood test today and the levels have come back at 377?

Does this mean the pregnancy is ending or is there still a chance that it could work?

Any replies would be appreciated?

Lee-Ann x
Hey hun didn't want to read and run i think that when your levels rise the pregnancy is ongoing when they go down is when the pregnancy is going to or is coming to an end they go up more and more every two to three days so i think all is well good luck and congrats on your bfp xxxx
I've just been through this and it didn't work out for me (suspected ectopic), but having spent long hours googling it, there are a number of stories where it works out just fine for people, even though its not what the textbooks say. They told me at the EPU that they want to see the HCG double every 48hours for a "viable" pregnancy". Have they offered you any advice or further management at your hospital?

Really hope it goes better for you than it did for me. Feel free to PM me if you want to ask anything. I found the waiting to find out what was happening harder than when they finally told me it wasn't good news. I spent 2 weeks in limbo being kept nil by mouth twice for surgery in that time while they did bloods and scans trying to figure it out.

I'm so sorry the numbers aren't brilliant, I saw your BFP announcement that this was your 4th time. Have they done any other tests for you?
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Hi, because I live in Guernsey I have to be referred to the UK which is what has happened so if this one doesn't work then my gynaecologist is going to do some tests but I am better going to see this new lady, Professor Lesley Regan at St Mary's in London.

I am having another blood test tomorrow morning so we will see what they say. I am sorry for your loss, it is the hardest thing in the world to have something like that and I feel for you xx
i can only echo wat fliss has said its meant to double every 48 hours but it doesnt always double there realy is no way to tell untill u have had a couple of bloods done i think n then they go from there with a scan maybe, gd luck hope all is ok xxx
I hope your levels show a fantastic rise today hun, as others have said the only way to know this is a viable pregnancy is to have several blood tests to ensure the HCG is doubling every 48 hours.

If it was to be bad news do push for tests BUT I have my fingers crossed for you

I am going though the exact same thing, really feeling for you right now :( got a BFP on the 4th June some slight blood on the 9th but this was straight after I'd been to the toilet....number 2 :/ went to a&e they gave me a blood test and told me to go back to the epu on Monday. My bloods came back they were 113 so very low for 5 weeks on Monday my bloods came back at 225. :( the nurse said it was a positive sign i was only bleeding upon going to the toilet. got told to wait till Monday for a scan to see. My partner is really hopefully everything will be fine but I'm felling so negative about it all, I had a mc in march this year so really do not want together my hopes up. I am so confused, don't know which emotion I'm ment to be feeling right now. Xx

Hope your levels make a massive rise. :) fingers crossed for you. Xx
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