Help HCG Levels driving me mad!


Sep 4, 2010
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Hi all, This is my 1st post and not really sure where the best place to post it is, but here goes.
My Husband and I have been trying to conceive, so when my period was late, only a couple of days, I took a home test. The test was positive, although only a faint line appeared, so I made app to see my Dr. My blood test came back with a HCG level of 14.9 My Dr told me "your HCG level is low but indicates that some kind conception had taken place." But I then had some dark discharge and a small amount of blood also appeared in this discharge, I had no pain and this only lasted one day! When I told my Dr he advised me that this may be a miscarriage but it may also be normal and that we would test my HCG levels again one week one and see. This was done yesterday day the results were 15.6 My Dr then told me that "although the level had gone up it would indicate that the conception was not viable." He wants to check the level again next week but I'm confused. If I have had a miscarriage why would the HCG level go up? I am now getting some normal pregnancy signs, sore breasts, going to the toilet a lot.
It may seem weird that I have not been asking more questions of my Dr but I live in Japan and it is not the 'done thing' to ask your Dr questions, you should just listen and follow instructions!
It is just all the waiting for more tests that is making me go mad! Help!:confused::mad:
Hiya,sorry ur goin thru this. Hcg levels should double every 48 hours if they don't rise much in a week then this shows the pregnancy is not viable. Sorry :hug:
Really sorry if that's what has happened Hun, hang in there just incase for next weeks bloods
Hey hon, sorry it wasn't the news u wanted from the doctors. Thinking of u and all of us are here if u need us x x x
Hi guys, Thank you so much for your replies. I think We have already come to terms with the conception not being viable (sounds so clinical) but it is the not knowing what is happening in my body that is hard. Although waiting for my next blood test!!! Will of cause keep you updated.
Again thanks for the replies. We have chosen not to tell family and friends that we are trying as all the questions can but even more stress on you so its nice to have people to chat with! Being in Japan away from them all also doesn't help! x

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