I'm planning on going to the small midwife unit in the next town, it's halfway between a hospital and home birth.
They have a maximum of 2 women in labour there are a time so you get lots of attention and they encourage you to spend lots of time in the birthing pools. You go home about 3 hours after giving birth if you're well enough which suits me fine
You have to let the midwives know you're in labour quite early on so they can get there, unlock and turn the lights on! (Apart from antenatal clinics on certain days, it's shut at night unless someone's in labour)
I'm not sure what would happen if more than two women were in labour at the same time, will have to ask. I think they only deliver 60 babies on average there a year so maybe it's never been an issue.
Pain relief wise you can get gas and air, pethidine or the injection (dia-something). They don't have epidurals but I'm not keen on having one anyway cos with an epidural you're stuck in bed for hours after and I'd much rather have a nice soak in the bath to help me feel more human again.
I felt really ignored and neglected when I had James in hospital last time, the midwives were rushed off their feet and hardly said a word to me! I'm adement I'm not going to one unless me or baby are at risk.
I considered a home birth but not keen on the mess (my mum had homebirths and said each time there was blood on the carpet
Also, when you have a homebirth you have to dispose of your own placenta, I don't like the idea of that lying in the dustbin for 2 weeks waiting for the bin men to take it away
I have a serious phobia of needles, doctors and hospitals so my midwife wants me to go to the midwife-based unit nearby where it's a bit more chilled out. Still, I don't fancy the hour's ambulance drive to Lancaster hospital if anything goes wrong / I need a caesarean.
I'm the same there...if I need to be transferred to hospital it's an hours ambulance ride from the midwife unit to Aberdeen!
It's quite rare this would happen though, and your midwife wouldn't suggest the unit if she thought there was a risk of that happening