lets share our funny/silly embarrasing stories

Babylicious said:
on holiday in turkey in 2006, I was drunk stood up from my sunbed and stood on the suncream, the top popped off and splatted the guy sat next to me and his mrs, all in his face/mouth etc - I didn't even notice :rotfl: as i had fallen in the pool :oops:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 22:57 pm Post subject:


i LOVE one foot in the grave
I laughed so much watching ONE FOOT IN THE ALGARVE one Xams i
I was bouncing around laughing so hard on the lift up cupboard/seat the lid split in two. and i crashed through and fell though the middle :lol:
i dissapeared inside the seat
all my family could see was my legs waving in the air. :oops:
I was stuck for ages i could not get out or move
i asked for help
As noone could stop laughing long enough to lift me out.
I finaly stuggled out but lost my balance fell to the floor an landed with a thinp in a undignified heap on the floor
smashing the bubble gum machine i had bought my sister for xmas
sending bubble gum flying though the air
which made my family laugh even more

i am a walking disaster :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

tthr seat lid was beyond help and my Dad made a reinforced one JUST IN CASE i did it agian

:rotfl: :rotfl:
mine from the other thread:

We went to my nan's brothers funeral, my "Uncle Jack" There were a load of people outside the crematorium, and we were all waiting for the doors to open so we could go it. Loads of realtives we hadn't seen for ages all crammed into a small space.
Anyway, the doors opens, and my mom grabs my arm and pushes me through the door, all through the crowd and steers us to the front of the room, where we sit down in the front row.
I look around for my nan and I can't see her. The doors close and I'm still sitting there looking aorund, I look for my uncle, he's not there either, neither is my nan's sister.......
We are in the WRONG funeral. I tell this to my mom and go to stand up, but she's not having any of it, she'll be too embarrased to stand up and leave so she grabs my wrist and tells me "we're staying"

I'm mortified! the priest gets up and tells us that we are gathered here to remember Bill....but I'm not! I'm here to remember Jack! We start to snigger and by the time "the Lord Is My Shepherd" comes round we are in absolute hysterics, crying into the hymn books we're using to hide our faces.
Afterwards we would realise that Bill's widow would have wondered who the hell these two women were crying their eyes out in the front row!

When the service finished we had to leave through the exit door at the side, then walk straight around the front and back in the front doors for the right funeral.


my mom:

She did a big shop in Sainsbury's last year and unlocked the car boot before loading it all in. She locked the boot and then went to unlock the door but the key wouldn't turn. She tried all the doors but it was no good so she left the shopping in the boot and got a cab home. My stepdad got dropped off back at Sainsburies with the spare key, which opened the door fine so he drove the car home.

When he got back they opened the boot and there was no shopping in it. She'd loaded up the wrong car!! No wonder the key didn't work in the doors!

The funniest thing was there was meat and everything in the bags so if the person whose car it was had only popped in for a sandwich or something who knows how long it would be before they discovered all the rancid moldy shopping in the boot LOL


Right, this one is from years ago. She was driving to my nans, and you had to drive past an insane asylum (can't think of a better word but you know the kind of place I mean.)
Anyway, right outside the place she had to stop at a red light, and it always made her nervous anyway...but this time as she stopped suddenly from nowhere a guy at the back of the car was shouting and banging on the roof and screaming at her. She locked the doors and nervously waited for the lights to change before speeding away.
She looked in her rear view mirror to make sure he wasn't running after her, and instead she saw him hopping around in the road clutching his foot.
He wasn't insane at all she had parked on his foot!!!!
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: at all of these!

Mines not really embarrassing just kinda funny

I am only 5foot tall and last year I was in Next and had a load of stuff to try on I went into the changing rooms and there is a height chart so parents know what age clothes to buy their kids well there was this little girl there and soon as I walked in she pointed and shouted to her mum "Muuuuuummm look that girls 12!!!!" :oops:

At school I had a cooking lesson and the cookery block always gets locked at dinner times so me and my friend had crept in and went upstairs to finish off some stuff before taking it home thinking we were the only ones in the building we were chatting away and then one of the teachers appeared she was a real biatch anyways and started shouting and was going "how do you expect to get out??!?" Well all I could say back was "errrmmm....through....the door?" Haha I must of sounded soooo cocky but I really didn't know what too say!

I had another cooking lesson but didn't have time to take my ingredients to the room so went to geography and dropped a egg on the floor and it smashed. :oops:

Also dropped a pencil on the floor in a geography lesson and we had single tables so I leaned over to reach it and lent too far so me my chair my table and all the pencils ended up in a heap on the floor I was so embarrassed I just sat laughing and got told off for messing around.
:rotfl: :rotfl: these are hilarious! LOL at the guy whose foot got parked on!!

Just remembered another silly one. I used to have a horse called Sam and one day after school my dad and I went up to the stables as usual to bring him in for the night from the field. I saw Sam was right at the back so walked over to catch him. Fastened the headcollar and turned to lead him back to the gate, leaving the rope quite slack. I thought he was being more quiet and well-behaved than usual when my dad shouted over to 'stop messing about'. I looked around and realised that I hadn't fastened the headcollar properly and had just trudged back across the field dragging a rope and empty headcollar behind me like a prat! :rotfl:
This is mine :oops:

I was out at my friends house and between us we drank 1 bottle of vodka and 1 bottle of tia maria and 2 bottles of wine!!! So I was getting the last bus back to mine, and while I was waiting for the bus I thought oooo I'll get some chips and gravy and spare ribs from chinse shop. So I was munching away and relised I didnt have anything to wipe my hands with, as you can imagine after BBQ spare ribs they we in a hell of a mess, so I opened my coat and wiped my hand all over my white T shirt I was wearing, so u can imagine all over my white T shirt was horrible orange sauce and gravy, as by this time I had also wiped my mouth. So anyway I got on the bus and stumbled to my seat, and u know when u can feel everyone staring at you, and I was mortal so I could hardly walk. I got off my bus and went to bed!.......

So the next morning I got up very hungover and went to find my T shirt to wash and when I saw it it was in such a mess and I thought thank god my coat was covering it...or so I thought my coat was covering, I went to pick my coat up and relised the zip was broken and I had dribbled gravy all down the front of my coat, so not only could people on the bus see my coat was covered in gravy but they also would of seen my T shirt covered in orange sauce from the ribs.
When I think about what people must of thought of me that night it makes me feel sick, they must of thought what a bloody drunk minging lady see looks :oops:
Oh Urchin that made me laugh :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

sarah :lol:

Ok this one's not mine but my next door neibours

Me and a few of my mates were very bored one day while walking down our street past the middle school
My mate Amy thought it would be a good idea to see if she could stick her haed between the school railings and still get her head back out

Now i told her is was a stupid idea but she did it anyway
and you never guess what :roll: YEP her head got stuck

Amy tried to pull her head out but her eas would not let her head pull free
we tried to come to her aid (in between fits of hysterical giggles) :rotfl:
but there was no budging her head Amy did'nt know whether to laugh or cry
IN the end i ran back up the road and got her Dad to come and help
So he came down with some butter
And Amy's 2 sister's and brother came along to have a look they almost collapsed with laughter when they saw her Head jammed in the railings

After some butter rubbing on the railings and Her Dad and her Brother managed to pull Amy free

oh how we ribbed her for ages after that.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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