Lets hear it for our other halves :)


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2010
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Is it just me?
I feel extremely lucky to have the man in my life that I have. yes, ok, so he plays playstation a lot (although since I posted about breaking his play station he has cut down A LOT!)
But he has put up with my mood swings, my crying and my general crabbiness :) He has not really complained about it either. He has stepped up his contribution to the general cleaning of the flat (he takes the recycling and garbage out - which used to be my job) He cooks dinner for me, and cooks what I request! He takes me out and walks slowly with me - although he does make little jokes about me rolling along :)

But honestly I feel super lucky to have him in my life! I want to do something special for him, but I am not sure what. Does anyone else feel this way? :dance:
Glad you noticed a change in your other half. I have to ask my other half for help if i need it not just do things because he wants to help out.
But least hes realised what really matters.
Not sure how to make something special with him show him your appreciation with lots of cuddles, what am i talking about i dont even get that my other half still sits on his ass on the computer. he did the same when i was pregnant lol.
im glad your man has ship shaped up :D well done hunx
Mine is not brilliant, but good enough. He makes sure i have what i want at home, he makes me hot chocolate (if i ask him lol), he ring me alot more often to make sure im ok. He dont cook very often, dont do the washing up and he forgets to say thank you when i have washed all his clothes and made his lunch box! BUT i know he would do anything for me if it came to it. No doubt there.

Oh and every morning he wakes me up before he goes to work (even if i have not sleept all night :doh: ) to tell me hes leaving, kissing me x10 times ask if im ok (NO IM SLEEPING FINALLY and YOU are waking me up!!) and tell me he loves me. i HATE IT. but wouldnt be without it :cloud9:
my oh has been amazing through this. he was such a perfect support through my labour and i'll be honest, i didnt expect him to cope well, i was wrong! he helps out loads more now than before i was pregnant. the day i was discharged he cleaned the whole house and bought flowers for me and put them in a vase before he picked me up. he even did all the laundry (not the best job but it was done!) and had fresh sheets on the bed. now he comes home and he can tell if ive had a bad day he just takes the LO from me and takes over. he tells me hes proud of me all the time too which i need to hear. he sees jobs and just does them.

I just feel like he really knows what i need without me saying a word and I can really depend on him :love: I suppose its only when you really need someone that you realise how awesome they are.
I made him a homemade pumpkin pie for dinner - as well as dinner :) I hope he likes it!
Ah my husband has been wonderful too. He cooks, he cleans, he tickles my back until I fall asleep and I know he's going to be the most perfect father. Now I'm on maternity leave I'm trying to pay him back. I make his breakfast, make him a packed lunch and have dinner ready when he comes home. He keeps telling me to stop fussing over him but I can't help it. Now I'm not working 12hr days I can pay him back and look after him and it feels nice. We've definitely got so much closer during this pregnancy. It's great!
That's sweet that most OHs are behaving!!
Mines yet to realise I'm a little more delicate now, I don't think he really understands what's going on with me, when I do actually do my very best to explain to him why I'm crying for no reason and why I would like it if he didn't always feel the need to spend every waking moment with his friends rather than me, I've had one night where I his sobbed and he cuddled me, but not a lot else to be honest! It was our 2 yr anniversary yesterday (of being together) and I got Homs card and a lovely shirt, and made a point of giving it to him when we woke up etc, but I for nothing back, not even after he finished work, no card or anything. I thought if he didn't get me anything at least he has the day to at least grab a card, but no! So I'm hoping he steps up to LO when I'm in labour and once she is born!
Sorry to piss on your fire, :rofl: my OH isn't exactly behaving! Xx
Mine is ok i spose lol. He doesn't cook, doesn't clean much and is a pain, but he plays with our little boy when he has time, he pays the bills and also makes sure we have food on the table. Im sure when LO number 2 comes he will change as im breastfeeding so will need all the help i can get.

I do love him though, no matter how much of a plonker he is lol x
haha i said to my oh yesterday "i will always do my best but when you get home from work, you need to take noa for a while to give me a break"

his answer "what do you need a break for, your not working are you?"

haha i just said if you dont, then you are up in the night with him when hes crying.
evelina that sounds just like my oh! he reckons that staying at home looking after baby wil be so much easier than his job, so i said id go back to work full time and he can look after baby he didnt like that idea lol!! x
haha i said that to OH to but his answer was, "sweet, babies dont do anything else then sleep"

he really dont have a clue!
bless him i dont think my oh has much of an idea eithier x
I made my OH look after the LO while i had a lie in sunday. he got up when the LO was crying. I stayed in bed then got up showered, shaved legs, put makeup on and blowdried hair and spent ages choosing what to wear. when I came downstairs he was sat in the living room feeding the baby still in his PJs trying to calm the baby. I said "Ill just grab my breakfast then Ill take him from you so you can get showered and dressed" I thought I was being nice considering he was supposed to have him all day to let me cook the roast. he got really pissed off and said "what about my breakfast?? I have been up 3 hours and not eaten yet!" so I asked him why not and he said he couldnt cos he was looking after the LO :doh: how does he think i get dressed and eat every day let alone keep the house tidy, keep on top of the laundry and take the LO to groups etc...

I think it was a real eye opener for him. but next time i think i'll go stay at my friends so he hasnt got me to save him and he'll have to eat and get dressed and prepare feeds while looking after the LO!!

He will never say its easier than his job again!
:rofl: tiny, they are oblivious until they have to frigging do it themselves lol x
Is it just me?
I feel extremely lucky to have the man in my life that I have

I Absolutely Agree, I Love My OH Soooooo Much, Right Now Anyway lol
He Does A Lot For Me An My Daughter, An Now I’m Pregnant Again He Is Bein’ Even More Helpful
I Show My Appreciation By Still Lettin’ Him Out Of A Friday An Tellin’ Him How Much I Love Him Always x
I was nervous when I posted about my OH, because I could potentially just see how it might all change and go down the drain after i wrote such nice things about him :) but he is still behaving
I'm blessed with a kind, loving and considerate OH as well. It makes this journey so much easier.
Ha , you girls are sooo lucky , my OH is rubbish! There are a few things he does when i ask him like empty the kitchen bin!, (I just can't face it!). But the rest of the time he lools about asleep trying to adjust his sleep patterns after or before night shifts and driving me mad, cause he is there but not doing anything!

Our house is a DIY mess and he is off work and awake for all of monday and tuesday, but does he get cracking no, he leaves the DIY for me!

He used to cook as he was a fulltime house dad for a few years, but I took over as the food he cooks was always chips or beans on toast or a strange herby version of tomoto pasta!

I won't be moaning too much as I did pursuade him to let us have a fourth baby , as he wanted to stop at 2! (I even seem to remember saying I will do it all, in a week and desperate TTC moment!). So I can't really complain, but he will have to pull his weight more with the other three, or have Devon when I go to cook his precious dinner!!!
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My husband came home from work tonight and totally helped out and did so much house work tonight! He sorted out the crib for the baby, washed the floors by hand (at my request) and changed the furniture in the living room! Huge help!!!

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