Lets get to know us all better!


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2010
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Hey girls

I thought it might be nice to share a bit about ourselves as there seem to be sooo many people in Tri 1 at the moment :)

Ill start us off!

Im Cherelle, im 22 from Nottingham but now live in Cardiff with my OH who is 32 - Hes a social worker. I work for Nandos as a host/trainer and i do social work. Im preggers with my first :) x
Good idea...

Im shauna, im 20 (21st on xmas eve:)) and live in cumbria. Been with other half just over 3 years he is 23. This is my first baby after having mc 4 month ago xxx

EDIT: i forgot to mension we have a little rabbit called dippy who is about a year old...i love him to bits.xxx
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Heheheh cool.. awesome idea for a thread and I loooove Nando's!

I'm Emma, 35 from Gloucestershire and my hubby is a tattooist aged 30. We've been together for 10 years, married for 8 and a half. :) We've lived abroad for a few years, but moved back to our hometown in the UK this year.
Had an mc at 20 weeks in March, pg again and terrified! DS (who I had before I met hubby) is 18 in couple of months.
I'm lucky and don't have to go to work.. but I am an Avon lady although I don't make any profit as I spend it all on Avon stuff for myself! :D xx
haha - we have an avon lady at work, i love avon! Has your hubby done u any tattoos? I have a few - i lurve tattoos, i have a few really nice girly ones. Got a really detailed colourfull little butterfly on my wrist thats my fave. My OH is getting a lush half sleeve on Tues :) x
Yes great idea for a thread!

I'm Michelle :wave: (username is after my cat who's called Bella!) I'm 31 and live in Suffolk. I work full time as a tour consultant at a coach company. OH is 27 (toyboy lol) and we've been together 6 and a half years. This is our first baby and we conceieved during the first month of trying!! Hence OH now thinks he has super sperm :rotfl:
Yay - love these! Even though Im only in here another day, lol!

Im Leanne, I live in Devon. Me and hubby been togther 10 years - im 27, he is 30, and this is our first.
Im in the police, usually running around, like a mad thing, but loving it! Having to adjust to a slower pace of life behind a desk now - booo - best thing about the police is the Nandos discount - Cherelle, I LOVE Nandos, lol!
Great idea for a thread Cherelle.
Im Kerry, im 23, im a quality systems officer for a pharmaceutical company. My OH is 12 years older than me and this is our second :) x x

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haha - we have an avon lady at work, i love avon! Has your hubby done u any tattoos? I have a few - i lurve tattoos, i have a few really nice girly ones. Got a really detailed colourfull little butterfly on my wrist thats my fave. My OH is getting a lush half sleeve on Tues :) x

Heheh one or two :D I have a nearly half sleeve of weird fish (don't ask why.. I have no idea!)on my right arm I have a flowery thing going on from right knee to buttcheek and a Foo Dog on left ribs from trouser line to almost armpit :D Also Son's name in chinese with flames round on inside left ankle and a rose (that matches my Mums tattoo.. hubby did both on same day :D) on outside right ankle.

Also a few other little things dottted about ( scary sun on inside right forearm, swirly thing on right forearm, moon and stars on back, black cat round belly buttn and rose just below it, and a star on my hand) that hubby didn't do. I like his best though.. not just because he did them.. but also because he's seriously good at it!

So yeah.... one or two tattoos LOL :D XX
Ohhh...good thread. I'm Mia, 31 from West Sussex. Only been with my OH for 4 months (lol!) but he's amazing so I'm not worried about that bit - he's 30, was in the army for 10 years & now works for BT. I'm a jewellery designer but have worked abroad a lot doing some random jobs. This time last year I was running a safari lodge in Tanzania. Strange how things change in such a short time!

Anywho, nice to meet you gals
lol wow id love to see them! What will happen with the ones on youre side when your belly gets bigger? I wondered that because i have one just below my hip that i got a design for and i almost got extended all the way up my side before i got pregnant but i didnt just in case it stretched when my tummy grows x
My name is Rebecca, I live in Huddersfield & I feel old compared to the rest of you at 37!!! I have been with my husband nearly 11 years & married for 6 years. This is my second pregnancy & we already have one little boy Joseph who is 5 years old. I work part-time for First Direct bank in Leeds & am totally bricking it about my second baby!!!
Had a very bad time having Joseph, but don't want to frighten all you first timers, so will spare the gory details. Spookily enough baby number 2 is due on the same date Joseph was due.
I've recently qualified as a Beauty Therapist, but am waiting until baby 2 arrives before doing further qualifications.
I called myself Sunnyb as I love my sunny holidays & every calls me Bec's.

It's great getting to know everyone a bit more, this is a great idea for a post!

Sunnyb xxx
wow Mia working on a safari lodge sounds amaaazing! I travelled south east asia last year and also did some random jobs etc ... its so great to get away and do these things isnt it!

Sunny B - your second due on same day as your first, thats spooky! Will be an expensive time of year for you in years to come! :) x
Good thread!

I'm Claire i'm 29 (30 in March). My OH is Steve and he's almost 27. We live in Bean in kent with our 6 (yes 6!) cats!! Cleo, Zippy, Smudge, Felix, Baros & Benji!!

I'm a Childminder and Steve's just about to start his own plastering/decorating/kitchen/bathroom fitting business!

This is our 1st Bubba after TTC for 10 months and we're sooooo excited!! :)

Good idea :D. Im Naomi, im 22 from Staffordshire. Im married to Jacob and have been for a year and half, been together 4. He is 23 and works for mcdonalds for the time being. I dont work but go part time at college and im taking my GCSE math and english so i can become a midwife. This is my second and we have Archie who is 2 and a dog Tia who is 7 :) x
Im Beth, I'm 20, married to Bulut whos 26. We got married in June and started TTC in July. This is my 2nd pregnancy, we have a son Kyan who will be 3 in January. We live in Turkey although im originally from west midlands. My husband runs his own estate agency and car rental business. We have 3 dogs, 2 mixed dobermans calls maxxy and lira and a siberian wolf/husky name clio :D
I'm Theresa and I am 35 and this is my second pregnancy as we already have a little girl Josie who will be 4 in march. Live with my hubby in Colchester and we have been together for 12 and a half years - married for 1 year!!

i work part-time at asda in the pharmacy, checkouts, service desk.. wherever they send me... my hubby is 39 and a web developer. I used to be an area manager for 11 beauty salons but gave up once Josie was born to be a full time mum - so my job at asda fits in just perfectly for 12 hours a week!

I love johnny Depp and all his films and have already converted josie into a big fan too!! HA! She will have started school by the time this baby comes along so that will fit in just great with being able to have naps when the baby does etc! we are very excited to be having another little on and can't wait to find out what it is on 21st December!
Hi, I'm Roisin which is Irish for "Little Rose", hence the username! I'm a Human Resource Manager for an agri company.
I'm 34 and married to John for just over a year. We've been together for 10.
This is our first baby and i'm trying not to worry about the birth. I reckon i'll be fine once I get that bit over! I love this forum but don't get on as often as i'd like. I'm 13 weeks today so will be nipping off to Tri2 in a bit. x
I'm Roo and I'm 32. OH is 34 and this is our first baby. We also have 4 guinea pigs - Peppa, Fifi, Pudding and Pie, and a Rabbit- Snarf!
Me and OH have been together 8 years next month!
Hi I'm Joanne. I live in Portsmouth with my fella and our gorgeous dog. We are both 30 and this is our first baby :) I work for the local council and my man is an engineer.
Its all very scary at the mo. My best mate is preggers too and she is 14 weeks so will be really good to do it together.
I can't wait to be a mum - I just want to get these first 12 weeks out of the way and then maybe I won't worry so much - yeah right!!!!

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