Lets get to know each other!


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2010
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Hi all :wave:

I've noticed some new faces here, but also I realised that people who have been here a while - I don't know much about 'you' other than your hormones and babes to be! :lol:

I thought it'd be good to learn a lil bit about each of us :lol:

Ok, so...My name is Emma (surprise surprise!) I'm 26 years old. I've been married for 3 years this August. I live in Bristol with my husband, and we are expecting a little boy any day now :dance:
Before I fell pregnant I worked in a Special Needs boarding school just outside Bristol as a Behaviour Pyschologist. I began maternity leave just after Christmas and plan to return in Jan 2012 so I can stay at home to look after my little man for the first 12 months :lol:

Looking forward to learning about everyone else :hugs:
Good idea :)

I'm Grace, 26 years old and I've been married for 5 years. We have a 20 month old daughter called Abby who means the world to us. (see pic)

Expecting another baby next week and can't wait! We live in N.Ireland and we own our own company (will keep the name private).



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Awww, she is adorable Grace! What a cutie! :)
Im Jasmin
pregnant with my first little girl whos going to enter the world next tuesday :)
Im going to be a single Mummy currently living at home until im out of education
Don't quite know what i plan to do as i was working as a care assistant up until christmas when 10 hour shifts with no breaks took there toll !!

Im Shelly - Im 35 - so a older mum compared to lots - first baby - have one Angel baby - fate didnt lead me to my soulmate until 3 years ago (in fact fate left me off track for about 10 years with my ex :roll:) we officially became a couple in may 2009- living with OH moved from Yorkshire to Midlands early 2010 - he set up his own business in August. Worked for a nationwide company ( wont say which) until November 2010 was offered a VR which worked out perfect as work was 1hour and half each way away from home and was off alot with pregnancy related issues - unsure what i will be doing work wise see how business goes and how i feel when baby is around a year old :)
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Hello :)

I'm Jenni, 25, and should have had my 'yellow' baby on Sunday, lol!

My hubby and I met at work and we got together about 4 1/2 years ago and we got married 2 years ago:)

I'm a PA to two Archdeacons, have been doing that for 7 years and love it. Am enjoying being on mat leave, but missing work a bit - I'm a loser! I'm sure it'll changet the moment baby's here :>
hello:wave: im beckie.... im 20 years old and i will be 30 weeks pregnant on sunday with my 2nd baby, a little boy. i also have another little boy whos 2 years old. ive been with my partner for 3 and a half years. and i live in south yorkshire. nice to meet u all :)
Hi lovely idea for a thread :wave:
I'm Jodie, I'm 28 and I married my hubbie Jamie in May and we are now expecting our first baby (due on 2nd May so only just joined tri 3). We live between Southampton and Winchester in Hampshire. I'm a criminal barrister and love my job and hope to work as long as possible before baby arrives because I'm self-employed and want to have as much time as possible afterwards. The current plan is six months off with the new arrival and I'm really getting excited now about becoming a mummy :)
Jodie x
hi I'm Becky i'm 34 married to Ant who is 30, we met 7 years ago and got married 4 years ago, I already had 2 children when we met they were 4 and 6 at the time but he has taken them on as his own, infact they took him on lol(they dont see biological father anymore they dont want to know him he dissappeared for 9 years then he decided he wanted to be a dad to them they tried but he never) i got pregnant the 1st night (i know) and had him prem so we had only been together 6 and a half months and we had our baby in our arms, then we celebrated and yes got pregnant again. then after we got married i had a few miscarraiges then we were lucky to have our 5th last year and we thought we were done lol well no this little one creeped up on us, it was twins to start with but lost one so we have definately had our fare share of ups and downs, but we are definately soul mates i know we have made it against the odds but we really are happy, its amazing to see what i have now after such a bad start with my 1st 2 childrens dad. our children now are son14, daughter12, son6, daughter5 and son13 months and we cant wait to have this little bundle. I was a dancer when i had my 1st 2 children and i had just passed the tests to become a firefighter when i met my husband and then couldn;t finish training because got pregnant. here are pictures of us


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Good idea :)

I'm Grace, 26 years old and I've been married for 5 years. We have a 20 month old daughter called Abby who means the world to us. (see pic)

Expecting another baby next week and can't wait! We live in N.Ireland and we own our own company (will keep the name private).


abby is so cute
Hey, My names Marianne lol , 24 years old (25 in September). I live in ayrshire, scotland with my OH of 1 year odd lol. We met online,met up and things went from there! We have 2 staffordshire bull terrier's and my first baby who will be with us between Saturday and Monday this week coming as I'm to go in to get induced as baby measuring on the small side, 4lb 8oz at nearly 39 weeks !! My OH has two other daughter's from his former relationship, Billie is 1 year old in March and Mollie is 3 years old in may. I'm currently unemployed but was accepted to a college course last year but dropped out my place after speaking to the lecturer and thought it best to wait and apply for this August instead as If I had went ahead with the course I would have had to be off with baby being born and not being funded for course anymore and wouldnt be able to complete it, so there was no point whereas if i'm feeling upto it,etc then I will re-apply this year and go ahead with the course ! My OH is at college doing svq level 2 professional cookery, he's loving it... he already acts like the next gordon ramsay lol ! Well not a lot else to say tbh xx
My names donna im 30, ive been with my chap for around 15 years. I live in Devon and i work as a care assistant, ive studied at uni and used to be a manager of a well known shop but it was crap, crap hours, crap pay just crap, so decided to do something totally different. I love my job now, im on maternity leave till next year and going to go back part time. We are expecting our first baby, i never really wanted children until recently but totally changed my mind, think it was hitting the big 30 last year that made me re think!!
What a great idea for a thread xxxxxxxx
So lovely to hear everyones stories and learn about you all - feel like I know you all so much better already :hugs:
Hi Im Sara, Im probably older than everyone, so Ill keep it secret!! This is my first baby, like the lady above I never really wanted them til I met my partner of 2 years who has 2 already and is so amazing with them I got all broody and fell very quickly, it was kind of now or never. He runs his own business, Ive just started my own little business selling things for horses as we have 4 horses and 2 ponies! Not to mention 3 dogs.

We keep busy!!
Good idea :)

I'm Grace, 26 years old and I've been married for 5 years. We have a 20 month old daughter called Abby who means the world to us. (see pic)

Expecting another baby next week and can't wait! We live in N.Ireland and we own our own company (will keep the name private).


abby is so cute

Thank you :) you look amazing in your wedding pic
My name is Helaina, Im 40 ( :( ) met my partner who is 24 :blush: online playing WoW . We had a long distance relationship fpr a year and then last April, he moved in with me. Fell pregnant within a few weeks of him moving down ( I was on the pill lol) but we sadly had a MC. fell pregnant 4 weeks later as the MC made us realise we did want children, so we are now waiting on our first. he works as a sales assiant and I a full time carer for someone with Downs, who lives with us .
I'm emma (surprise surprise) I'm 28 and live near hull with my hubby,chris, and 3 (soon to b 4) boys. My elder 2 boys r to a previous partner and they're 12 (next week) and 9,my other son is 4. I worked 10 years as a care assistant b4 retraining as a hairdresser.
I'm Emma (27) expecting my first baby with my partner of 7 years, due date of 1st March (so not long left!!) We are expecting a girl and are really excited yet nervous as time seems to be creaping by so quickly! We were planning on emigrating to Oz until I found out I was pregnant and then decided that I couldn't leave my family...so my bubba will be around her grandparents now.

I am currently on Maternity leave from my teaching job which I love and will be hopefully returning to when I finish my maternity leave.
im shirley, 31. first baby but have 2 lovely step sons (11 and 16!), am a nurse, live in hampshire. have been married for 7 years and my hubby is my best mate, soul mate etc love him to bits!! xx
Im new to tri 3, so reading this thread has been good!

Im Leanne, 27yrs old and live in Devon. Been with hubby for 10 years, and married for the last 4.
This is our first, and neither of us have a clue really - both only children, so getting lots of practise at the mo with other peoples babies, lol! For my job, hmm, lets just say im a 'keeper of the peace' - most of the time! Although, desk-bound as soon as I found out I was pregnant :sad: - cant wait to get back to doing what I joined to do!
So, thats me!

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