Let Down


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2005
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Can anyone describe to me what it's supposed to feel like when you get the 'let down' when breastfeeding?

I'm not sure if i'm getting it ot not!
I don't feel it when it happens when she's breast feeding (sometimes I feel it in the breast she's not feeding on), but I do feel it when it happens when she's not on the breast, like when I think about feeding or sometimes it can just happen anytime (like if I'm stood in the kitchen).

For me it's like a tingling stinging sensation, quite painful, for about 10 seconds.
Hi, I only feel it when Im breastfeeding Jack. Whichever boob he is not feeding on starts leaking and I get a tingly, stinging sensation. Sometimes its quite uncomfortable!
yes I get a very tingly feeling, right on the nipple/s
I get a strong tingly feeling, and it really hurts at times. I get it when she cries or I think of her (especially if I haven't fed her in a while) as well as when she is feeding from me.
I'm getting it now!! I didn't realise what it was til I read this!!
Kim said:
I'm getting it now!! I didn't realise what it was til I read this!!


I can get it just by thinking about Brody or looking at him too.
At the moment I am feeding Rubie expressed milk from a bottle and it's making my boobs kill just listening to her drinking lol
How are you getting on with your feeding Kim? It feels like we've been having a similar situation on the breast feeding front (along with everything else in the past!)
I have to admit I have given her formula yesterday just to ive myself a break. I was a bit sore and emotionally drained. I was getting myself all upset about it and felt resentful that I was tied to her. So I gave her formula last night and plan to tonight for the last feed before bed. I am also expressing and bottle feeding her so I know how much she is getting as she seemed to be sucking at me for hours and I was getting nothing done. She never seemed satisfied and was crying a lot for food (greedy piggy) so now I can control what she is getting we are all happier. And my milk seems to have doubled since I stopped breast feeding and started expressing!!

Hows it going for you Rosieroo??

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