Sherlock said:I tried a sling but sadly because of my problems it just could not work in the early weeks. I'd have loved to have solved things that way but could not. Now 11 weeks later I just can't get comfy with a sling/carrier so stick with how things are. My son still gets loads of attention, cuddles, input and love from me. No less than if I carried him with me all the time. Mind you he just likes to be held so he can see everything and has been that way since a few weeks old. Wide awake and needing input. He's such a happy smiley baby to everyone I like to think he'll continue that way. Just I can't cuddle him for hours on end, its physically impossible for me to do so. If we decide to have another baby I'd love to think I can cuddle and carry like that, but realise that because of the damge I had this time chances are it won't be possible. I'm a happy confident outgoing person and like to think that it'll rub off on my son as he grows. That he won't go the other way and be clingy.
That all sounds perfectly reasonable to me hun
All of us have to do whatever suits us and our babies, and I hate to say it but I think what we do doesn't have QUITE as much impact on their personalities as we'd like to believe... they are their own little people from birth, aren't they?
Connie has recently decided to hate the sling so we don't use it any more. I do carry her quite a bit on my shoulder but to be honest she's happiest just sitting up (anywhere, doesn't have to be on us) and shouting at the world.