Leg Ache


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2005
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Hi All, Has anyone else experience a constant leg ache, it only seems to be in my right one and I'm so uncomfortable today!

I have had aching legs on and off. I dont want you to panic but if it persists and gets any more painful and accompanyed by any swelling or redness then you must go and see your Doctor as DVT in pregnancy is very common. The reason I know is I have had a DVT before and it comes on over a few days.

Its more than likely something simple like a pulled muscle but best to be on safe side :0)

Ragna xxxxxxxxxx
Where abouts in your leg?

Is it more swollen?

I've been getting achy legs due to fluid (I no longer recognise my ankles/feet!!). But a pain in just one leg (normally the calf area I think) with swelling can also be a sign of DVT.
LOL Rosie

Great minds think alike. Also Be warned that you might not necessary get any Swelling or redness because I didnt at all, and the Junior Doctor asked me if I had not pulled a muscle. Well i nearly laid him out on the floor there and then, because the pain of a DVT is like a severe Cramp once its really settled in and is very painful. When they scanned my leg, sure enough there was a clot!

We dont want to alarm you but like Rosie said if its in your calf or behind your knee is worth getting checked out.

Ragna xxx
God I am thick, I should have known that!

It's an aching at the top of my thigh, a couple of people here think the baby is laying on a nerve and this might be causing it?
I get shooty pains occasionally at the top of my leg - the midwife said that it can happen if the baby is lying on a nerve.

Bless them!
I do and i have bad circulation. lying on your left side is supposed to get the blood pumping better!
Other thing to get circulation going is to drink loads and loads of water. Yes the lying on left side is also brilliant for getting your blood pressure down. Wearing support stockings also are brilliant. (although horrible !!)

Ragna xxx
Thanks all, I had a midwife check up this afternoon and asked her about it and she said that it was because the little one is probably lying on a nerve. Am feeling a bit more comfortable now so hopefully baby has moved and will let me have a peaceful evening! :lol:
I've had a very uncomfortable pain down my right leg. Have been told it's a siatic nerve trapped in lower spine due to pressure. Massage does relieve the aching pain, but should really be done on a weekly basis. I hope it gets better for you!!
Emilia x
hi girls :D

iv also been experiencing pains at the v-top of my right leg. its been hurting on and off 4 the last 3 days. iv put it down 2 baby laying on a nerve as i seem 2 remember having the same prob with my 1st baby! at m/w next week so will check with her, but if it does get worse (i stand all day at work) i will go sooner. better 2 be sure.

take care all
I have achy legs as well. Last night had terrible cramps in boths legs and so couldn;t sleep at all, when normally it's not too bad. today I went for a walk round one of the local towns, bad move. I was huffing and puffing and can hardly move now. I am exhausted and legs are killing me. I felt like a real pregnant woman as I was struggling. Thats me dad for you saying "you should get out for a good walk". Now I can't walk at all :) I think the cramps are normal and is like Lucy said it's baby lying on a nerve. Can't lift ether leg due to pelvis aching either. Oh the Joys of pregnancy :)
I'm up 2 or 3 times every night with leg cramps, and generally ache all over contstantly. I'm only 6 months, I don't know how I'm gonna get through another 3 lol!!

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