Leaving work?


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2011
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I was just wondering how the ladies who are currently working feel about leaving work for their maternity?

Will you be pleased to get out and have some time away? Or really miss working and feel like you're missing what's happening while you're away?

It suddenly dawned on me today that I could potentially only have 4½ months left at work. That doesn't feel like enough time! I have so much to do!! I'm in the middle of setting up a whole bunch of procedures and making sure they work. I'll be leaving not knowing how they have worked and if I did a good job :oooo:

I am a complete control freak at work, I've been there for over 10 years and know everything about the place. I'm booked to sit on the interviews for my replacement next week. I'm dreading it, what if they turn out to be better than me???? What if they change everything I've done?? I'm starting to panic!

BUT then on other days (particularly the bad ones!) I think, yay!! I'll be out of here soon, can't wait!!

My head is all over the place lol

How does everyone else feel?
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I am in a similar position hun,

I am coming up to 11 years with my company (9 of them spent commuting an hour each way - we only just moved office and I am much closer now - doh!)

I know my job inside out and a lot of it is instinctual - how do you pass that info over to someone else?

I look after a 100's and 100's of clients each year and I have built up a rapport with lots of them.

June and December are our busiest months and obviously I won't be there come December so I feel a little bit put out that I am going to have to hand over control.

I am not being replaced as my department are going to share out my clients amongst themselves and hand them back over when I return.

I love having time off work but inevitably I always end up bored and a little bit lost if I am honest - I've never had more than a working week off (without actually going on holiday) before so I am honestly not sure how I'll get on??

I can't bloody wait!!!!

Things have been very emotionally demanding and stressful at work for a long time and tbh it's all going a bit pear shaped and I can't wait to get away from all the drama.

Roll on 26th June- my last day!! :-)

I'm counting down the days! I plan on quitting at christmas and it can't come soon enough!!

Getting pregnant feels like the golden ticket!
Sadly I don't have this dilemma. I got made redundant a week before I found out I was pregnant. My last day is in 4 weeks time. My problem is needing to get another job for 3 months or so after this one ends, honestly, who is gonna hire a pregnant woman?! :(
I couldn't wait for the break, it seemed like such a treat to be 'allowed' not to have to work for several months! I have now been off a month and am bored stiff! I would love to just go back and work until I go into labour! x
I felt the same-I enjoy my job and I hate the thought of someone else doing it. I like to ve involved in decisions and it others me how many decisions will be made without me!
On the other hand though, I finished last week and am loving being on maternity leave, and I'm sure once baby arrives I'll have forgotten all about work! x
I cant wait to leave, although that might be due to the fact I work nights. I am thinking about changing jobs but with the same company which may make it easier for me but I am still think of taking maternity in december about 6weeks ish bwfore baby is due. I dont want to take to much time before hand but I know I will not be able to do my job at 35week pregnant. I will struggle as soon as I feel the strain on my back from the pregnancy :-( so roll on december :-D
I have mixed feelings about it only got 4 weeks left,
I can't wait to spend a whole year with my LO but I do worry that everything will change while im off and I will sort of get forgotten about. I'd hate to go back and feel like I'm starting a whole new job

Using tapatalk so excuse the typos!
I can't wait to leave work!!
I have 67 working days left, and counting! Lol.

Since becoming pregnant, I'm enjoying the time I have at home, looking through all the baby stuff and wokring out where things will go and tidying up and getting thinns ready.
I actually feel quite homesick when I'm at work!!
I can't wait I've worked full
Time since I was 17 and time off will be really nice.

Though I do worry I'll have to start with a whole new team when I come back

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
I have worked full time since the age of 16 so cannot wait for my 9 month break from work to look after my baby! 6 more weeks to go for me. x
I can’t really get my head around this…. I have worked full time since 18 and have managed to work my way through the ranks and gain an accountancy qualification but accountancy has never been something I love. I think I will miss the independence that work brings in the form of earning my own money and contributing towards the mortgage/bills/savings etc.

Hubby and I have decided that I will give up work due to childcare issues and the fact that I really want to be as hands on as possible…. It will be a complete change for me but I will be developing my Cake business so hopefully that takes off and keeps me busy.

I have an interesting relationship with my boss, he is a tool but without wanting to sound big headed he needs me!! I leave work on Maternity Leave in 7 weeks and work do not know I am not coming back.

I think I am looking to having time off with LO but the lack of financial security does petrify me!! xx
I've been with my company 11 years also and have worked full time since I finished my A-levels. I went to uni at nights and weekend and became a Chartered Surveyor nearly 8 years ago. I love my job and my clients, but like Karate Kid, my boss is a massive tool. Its never bothered me until now as our workload has always been very seperate but since being pregnant he's been just hideous to work for and has now taken to just ignoring me as he's upset that the firm will be loosing the revenue I'll be generating and is too stingy to find a replacement for the year.

So whilst I will be sad to leave my clients and contractors I am really looking forward to a career break. Because of the treatment I've received recently I'm undecided as to whether I'll go back to my current job or find something else, most likely the latter. I'd actually like to do my own development and if things go well over the next six months I may well look at this as my new venture, but it depends on seeing an upturn in the market.

Replacements/Maternity cover are never going to be as well established as you are in your current jobs because they will never have the years of experience as you do, so I wouldnt worry about it.

I'm looking forward to my change in role, going from striving to succeed in a very male dominated industry, constantly fighting my corner (because I'm a girl on site) which I enjoy the challange of to being very maternal, soft and loving wife/mother/ all round domestic goddess LOL!I cant wait!
I cant wait to leave too! Ive been doing my job for nearly 5 yrs and although i sort of still enjoy it, i cant stand my boss she is a proper bitch! Im possibly not going back either depending if we can manage on one wage? I have less than 13 weeks left at work :dance: xxx
I can't wait, I work in a hospital and it's getting very difficult to do moving and handling with patients, and so feel a bit of a waste of space as have to hand the more demanding, difficult to move patients over to the other therapists. Add the heat into that and the tiredness mat leave can't come quick enough! Roll on 7 weeks time (I saved up my annual leave too, so am leaving rather early!).

Will of course miss everybody, but can't wait to start settling the home for the new addition :)
I'm not looking forward to finishing up. I am excited about my baby. But Im a concession manager in a department store. And have 5 girls working for me. I worry about how they will be treated, if my replacement will be nice. Will they do a better job than me. It's a strange feeling, I'm off 5weeks before my due date so I'm sure I will get bored...x
I'm glad it's not just me that is freaked out by the whole situation. It's certainly going to be really hard leaving and thinking people are able to cope without me. They'll probably forget all about me :(
I've been in my job 7 yrs and I'm looking forward to the break to spend with my family.

I am planning on keeping in touch and popping into work. Because of the nature of my work I need to sustain the relationships there.

I am worried though, I intend on taking 9 months and really want to return to my place of work rather than being transferred to a different service on my return.

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