How many weeks will u be when you leave work?

I'll be around 38 weeks, finish up on 31st Sept & due on 20th Oct - so just over 2 weeks b4 i'm due.

Only reason is, its more time with baby afterwards.

I left work 2 weeks before with my first too, everyone said it would be fine, as apparently its more un-common to go early with your first (duno how true that is but thats what ppl used to say)

I managed it fine, wasn't any worse than rest of the pregnancy tbh.

i will be going on maternity leave starting 30 jan, im due 20 feb so ill be 37 weeks x
I'm offically starting mat leave at 37 weeks which for me is the start of Xmas week. I'm taking 3 weeks holidays before that so I'll be off from the beginning of Dec. Can't wait, I'm counting the days.
i'm taking 1 week of annual leave and then starting maternity 1 week before dd. hmm, gonna have another look at my dates tomorrow now.

I was just gonna start maternity leave at 38 weeks. If I can't do it then I'll implement it earlier, but I'm hoping as I'll be sat on my butt all day that I won't be doing anything different from at home ;) the lads have volunteered to be on standby with a bucket of water and towels anyway :oooo: nice :lol:
how sweet (?) of them lol!

yeh im thinking of going at 38 weeks too as i sit at a desk all day? xx
I was hoping for 9 days before as this is when school finishes for Easter and I wanted to go til the bitter end!!! Especially as first ones are usually late! Now think I'll try for 38 weeks. I too would rather have the time after than before.
I am working until 3 weeks before due date, taking a weeks leave and then starting maternity, but it is really up to you i think to see how you feel. also something to bear in mind is if you go off sick in the last 4 weeks you automatically start your maternity.
I plan to start my leave two weeks before my due date too. I have a desk job so not strenuous. But the fear i have is my waters breaking at work in front of my colleagues! LOL xx
I am taking 4 weeks holiday and then go on maternity leave the day LO is due
Interesting thread!

I'm taking the last week of the year as annual and public and then starting mat on the day we're due back, the 4th Jan. So it will be 8 working days techincally before due date 16th Jan.

But in reality, I'm finishing up 37 weeks.

I finish working full time this Friday as my contract has ended - working part time up till Xmas week and will have the whole of January off to prepare - only entitled to the maternity allowance so going to put off claiming till Jan - DD 30th Jan
im going at about 34 weeks x i want some me time before baby arrives, when i had my ds i worked up till the week before i had him then had my dd 12 months later so didnt really have time to relax and get things sorted in the house (last minute bits and bobs)

i want to relax and be stress free for a few weeks before baby arrives x
im going at about 34 weeks x i want some me time before baby arrives, when i had my ds i worked up till the week before i had him then had my dd 12 months later so didnt really have time to relax and get things sorted in the house (last minute bits and bobs)

i want to relax and be stress free for a few weeks before baby arrives x

this does sound good, i need some 'me' time too but not sure what to do. i was thinking that most first time babies seem to arrive late so that would be extra time anyway but what if he comes early (which ive been told is possible!) hmm, well my manager is off from tomorrow until 27 September (lucky bugger!) so i have a while to decide as he agreed i can let him know when he gets back.

thanks for your replies everyone x
I finish on 7th Oct & due 16th so will be 39 weeks. I figure if she does cone early which is doubtful my mat leave will automatically start anyway
I'm hoping to work up to the 21st Dec (end of christmas term), and am due 25th. Not sure if work will let me do this yet though, it may be a few days earlier on the 16th. This may change with the health probs I've got at the mo though, although I'm hoping that those all clear up and I'll be fine! The later I finish the later I'll get to go back (can't afford to take a full 6 months maternity due to oh wages being lower than mine), and will need to go back a few weeks before end of term in July so I don't get accused of taking the mick and I then get paid for the summer hols!
I left today at 36wks. I have 3wks holiday to take, so my maternity leave won't officially commence until 39wks.

I've felt fine working 'til 36wks, but I'm now feeling a lot heavier and getting really tired in the afternoons. I think I'd find it a bit of a struggle to work any longer.

It really depends how you feel in yourself though, cause everyone's different.
I will be 31 weeks. I originally planned to start it at 35 weeks but due to housing problems, I've decided to bring it forward
I'm leaving at 32 weeks as I have 4 weeks holiday to use beforehand!!
i'm leaving at 34...and now kinda wish i was going earlier...but seriously this way works out better!

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