Leanne's in hospital

Awwww what a prat!! Send our love to Leanne and im sure her mum will give the dr a good kick up the arse once she gets there. xxx
whaaat, if her c-section is planned its obviously for a reason, how can they turn around and say no now thats just awful she must be so stressed!!!!

fingers crossed that twat of a doctor goes home and someone else takes over poor leanne

So someone who has known her all of five minutes has a better idea of the care she needs than someone who has been caring for her her entire pregnancy??!!!! What a tosser!! FX she is fine, and hopefully even if AJ does arrive pronto he's made it to 35 weeks which isn't far off being fully cooked. Good luck Leanne! xxx
whaaat, if her c-section is planned its obviously for a reason, how can they turn around and say no now thats just awful she must be so stressed!!!!

fingers crossed that twat of a doctor goes home and someone else takes over poor leanne


Exactly and I can't see her consultant being happy having his medical opinion and decisions questioned by a doctor without even being spoken to....heads will roll me thinks.

I've just text her so waiting to hear if anything's going on xxxxxxxxx
There seems to be a language barrier with the doctor as well. The contractions are still happening and her back is very sore poor love :(. She just wants to go home now xxxxxxx
I just text her too, to say we all send our love and are thinking of her and she said to say thanks to you all!! Bless her - I hope she feels better soon and the pain stops xxx
Aw sending her all my love as if she aint got enough to deal with without the doc being a wanker too!!

Really hope alls ok xxxx
Hi ladies thank you so much for the love and wishes. managed to convince them to let me go after a hairy moment where the blood pressure went sky high!! But blamed them because they were stressing me out and they lost the battle!!

Had a horrendous day be so glad to go to my bed. Have to go in tomorrow for second steriod injection to day unit.

Started by going in at 10am to delivery to be monitored they were fab and felt quite chilled with a lovely student midwife. After being monitored and her feeling the contractions by hand the dr was called. As BB told you all I can only say BITCH I HATE HER!!!!!!!!!! She practically told me I was in preterm labour and I was risking babys health and life by having a c-section. Apparently it is bed for a preterm baby to be born vaginally as they have less breathing problems. She was a bully who wanted me to make a decision there and then and was absolutely petrifying me. I was so scared by her tone and at one point the midwife had to translate for her as there was a language barrier. I would have agreed to anything at that point cos I thought Aj was coming!!!! I said to her it wasn't a choice made by me but by the consultant because of a previous birth and my arthritis at which point she looked surprised that I had it then said that there was no need for arthritis to affect a vaginal birth.

Was given my first shot of steriod she refused to examine me vaginally and said I was to go to the maternity ward for further obs. I went over and was put in a bed at 12:40pm saw no-one then till 14:50pm when I was put on a monitor. Had contractions still but they are very irregular so convinced them I would be more comfortable at home. Complained about lack of care and dr!!!!

At 8:10pm they said I could go but then tried to take my blood pressure (hadn't been taken since 10:30am!!!). BP was then 158/90 re took as high and went up to 169/91!! Hense me becoming upset and freaked out cos they said I then couldn't go. To calm me down they said they would give me 15 mins to lower it. Commence lots of calm breathing and relaxing and hold Jasons hand which got it down to 148/82 which they said would be ok.

Sorry for the long post ladies. Gonna get in bed soon and relax. Still have tightenings but I can breath through them. Got consultant on Thursday if I can get to them some strong words will be exchanged!!!!!

Thanks again for your lovely words ladies made me feel quite emotional. Wish I could give each and everyone of you a big :hugs:

p.s BB you are a star thanks honey. xxxxxxxx
by the way baby is 4/5ths engaged what ever that means?????? lol
Means he is eager to come out! What a traumatic day hun. Glad u r home and safe
glad ur home hun, and 4/5 means baby is almost fully engaged, u get to 5/5 to be fully engaged. Get some rest xxxx
Glad to hear you're back home-theres nothing like your own bed is there.

Fingers crossed AJ stays put and you get riser consultant on thurs to let him know what you think xxx

Hope you manage to sleep ok

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