Lazy and crap


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
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Seriously the past two nights I haven't had the energy to cook and we had mcdonalds or dinner yesterday and dominos tonight! How lazy is that, plus I can't believe the crap I'm eating. Actually Wednesday we had a take out too cos I was hubsters bray and he wanted a curry.

I start the day with weetabix, orange & cranberry juice.
Lunch is usually marmite on toast and a creme egg
might have a can of coke. Def have 2 litres water and some raspberry leaf tea
try and cram some live yogurt in there and an apple.
I try and sniff out a piece or cake or biscuit too.

For some reason for dinner I can't be bothered! At leaf I know the next three nights I will eat well cos it's shop day tomorrow and we get fresh food in. I think by the end of the week
we are usually down to freezer food and I can't be bothered with it...or
I'm just not interested cos it's not "fresh".
ur entitled to be tired hun ur carrying a baby try not be so tuff on urself as long as ur eating thats the main thing :)
try not be to harsh on urself
Your just tired by dinner time but your eating enough during the day so no need to worry. Just remember your not being lazy, your body is working really hard at the moment and if you want to eat mcdonalds, just you have one!!

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