Last Day of Work tommorrow!


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2010
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I cannot actually believe it but tommorrow is my last day at work and then maternity begins. Really looking forward to it cause I will have a chance to get my house ready and actually do it a wee bit at a time, not getting exhausted along the way, also its Halloween next week and my wee boy is off school so will be nice to have some good quality time with him before the baby arrives. On the other hand it makes me nervous as this is now proving to be a short time to the new addittion arrives just hoping I dont have to much time to sit about worrying about the birth, etc. Definitley planning to enjoy the whole 9 months off as this will be my last baby and probably the longest I will now be off until I retire!! PS Also cant wait to watch Jezza Kyle each morning!! Classy:dance:
Yay! It's great knowing you'll have the time and hopefully the energy to do all the things you've been meaning to but haven't been able to because of work!

Enjoy, and make sure you get plenty of Jeremy Kyle chill out time! (always makes me feel better about myself that programme!! :lol:)
Im going off at 33 weeks, want to have december off to get ready for christmas, I work in retail so ive never had christmas off apart from xmas day so im really gonna enjoy the run up and the new year. Will never happen again so will be lovely. x enjoy your maternity leave x
It's my last day tomorrow too!!

I have put off doing so many jobs and saving them for mat leave, fingers crossed there won't be an early appearance otherwise I won't get everything done!

And my guilty pleasure is also watching a bit of Jezza :lol:
God I cannot bloody wait til I leave!! Got 6 weeks til my mat leave, really just want to chill and stop doing all these late shifts! X
Enjoy your leave, I think it was your first day off today - was it nice?
Woop woop!! Enjoy ur last day. I finish a week today and can't wait!!!! x x x
I'm sat here in work waiting for a couple of people to come back from their lunch break and then I'm outta here!

Got my vouchers so very happy indeed!!
Hi everyone, sorry only replying now my laptop battery charged broke so had to wait to get more battery power!! Well I am now off two days and I dont know what way its going!! Yesterday I got up and felt so tired after a bad nites sleep, got Tre off to school came home watched Jezza and then decide to clean Tre's bedroom and also the bathroom, got Tre back from school did homework and hubbie cooked a nice tea, long bath and then tele, then bed - I wanted to feel like I had so much energy but it wasnt happening! Today I got up and I felt awful had a really funny stomach so went back to bed (my mum keep ringing and ringing but I didnt answer so she started a big fuss rang my hubbie and they all thought I had been carted off in an ambulance! So ended up shouting at her!!!She is like my new stalker!!), lay in bed to 12.30 got up had lunch and then cleaned my bedroom, stripped beds and all. So at minute just online!! Enjoy not going to work but I just feel so huge that when I do anything I am exhausted after 15 mins at the stage now I cant wait for this to be over and have my body back to normal but a bit nervous about the birth. Guess its just a waiting game!! Moan over
I'm sat here in work waiting for a couple of people to come back from their lunch break and then I'm outta here!

Got my vouchers so very happy indeed!!

Very good where di you get vouchers for??

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