Lady Garden!

Lol at this thread as me and DH were joking about this the other day! I tried to sort it out the other day in the bath and thought I'd done a pretty good job and DH said I'd missed huge chunks lol! A wax scares me way too much x
Iv never had a wax been to scared of the pain lol. I'm a baby x
Oh god my attempt at a tidy up was an epic fail!

I really hope I labour at night in the dark lol

Hehe I'm only 31 weeks and it's hard god knows how I will do at 40 weeks. Part of me thinks go and get waxed but iv not done it before and i'm so scared. I don't do pain lol. X
The last time I tried to use a mirror and an electric razor big mistake thing was like a flipping hedge trimmer hacked myself to bits lol
Kinda unrelated but also I got an epiostomy and a tear so peeing was a fear of mine. I managed by pouring warm water and leaning forward for the first couple days then I'd just tilt forward... random but I was remembering the burn lol

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I've been doing it myself with great difficulty. I'm now 35+5 and OH will have to do it from now on as I can't reach xx

I've opted for the hit or miss approach. To be honest, I think there is probably more miss than hit!! OH has done it a couple of times when I have been too sore to move, so he might have to do the last couple.

In saying that, I was advised by a midwife at an earlier appointment to try and avoid shaving the area a few weeks before, as people have ended up with infections from ingrown hairs etc. This hasn't been mentioned by my regular midwife though. I was planning to ask at my next appointment (37weeks).
Kinda unrelated but also I got an epiostomy and a tear so peeing was a fear of mine. I managed by pouring warm water and leaning forward for the first couple days then I'd just tilt forward... random but I was remembering the burn lol

Oh my goodness, I was the same, I had a 2nd degree tear & a graze right next to my uretha bit and that first pee :O I wanted to cry! I managed afterwards by soaking paper towels in cold water and pressing it there leaning forward whilst I peed, it did help soothe. I was advised afterwards though to slather vaseline on it and it acts as a barrier. Will try for next time!! x
I think ingrown hairs, for me I got more when I waxed :shock: Now that I shave I cant remember the last time I had an ingrown hair. Sometimes if Im hot down there and wearing lace like a day after shaving I get the odd heat/shaving spot.

To avoid ingrown hairs, its advised to use either exfoliating gloves or buffer to keep the skin from over growing the hairs.

I usually use my wee loofer then shave, then tonnes of cream when dry. Not had one in years. Hope that helps.

About the cream afterwards mainly used canesten for my inside bits of my goodgirl - as thats a good skin healing cream, esp for broken skin or irritated skin and can be used internally. I used witch hazel on my pad afterwards though for a while.

And took arnica oil baths with detol or TCP every other day. I had no infections and was back to DTDing like 4-5w PP so my wee regime worked well for me, Ill be repeating it next time.

In the old days they would wax and give you an enema so it's all clean down there. The idea of a doctor having to brush your pubic hair out the way to do stitches makes me shudder.

I've actually booked a full spa day for a spray tan, pedicure, full bikini and leg wax, eyebrows, manicure and eyebrow tint. I hate pictures of women with full face makeup on just after birth, this way I'll look really natural but good. I also figure 2 days before due date I'll want a primping day.
I had a mum to be pamper and did some moisturizer tanning.

Spray tans aren't advised in pregnancy and after hours of sweating in labour don't be surprised if your tan slides off you and on to the bed :lol:

I had some cc cream on after and washed and did my hair. That was enough for me. The pictures never went online or in the paper so it was OK.

DH was laughing at me when I suggested he helps out, but there is no other way! I tried to sort it the other day and it was a major fail!
I managed ok the other day was tricky but I got there lol. Nearer the time hubby will have to help. As for tans and all that I personally don't give a damn. I don't intend on sending pictures of me. I will send a pic of baby only. Baby can't really see you anyway so I don't care about how I look. I don't think il have many people come and see me either. I just want to have my baby and have time just us. I would have just gave birth for the first time I'm guessing I'm going to be completely ruined and shattered.
No visitors is deffo the way. We aren't having any next time. I am hoping for an earlier discharge as it's my second. But first time round I had 7 people up in the day and 4 people at night all close relatives and never again.

I bled through at one point so had to stay in bed until visitors left. It was awful. I wanna be able to just leave to my bed or whatever in my home settings. Jackson will come with Oh I imagine but everyone else is waiting until we get home. Maybe even a day or so later.

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I will only allow parents and siblings come that will be 4 or 5 of them but they won't stay long. Or il tell mum and dad to come but leave siblings till a few days later. I don't want any people there. They explained to me about discharge time and said you can do it in 6 hrs but baby needs a hearing test and that has to be after 6 hrs and a few other bits so I doubt il get one being a first timer.
I don't think in Scotland a 6h discharge is allowed here for a first time mum as they show you how to bath baby too, and monitor general care of new baby and you. Jackson doing his hearing test was hard because they have to be awake for it and he kept sleeping.

I had a really easy straight forward labour and was out the next morning. I'm preparing to stay for a night though as dunno when I'll go into labour ie during the night etc, but either way. No visitors! Lol.

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It is allowed if everything is fine x
I was told lies then. I was told on a few occasions including at my antenatal classes it wouldnt be for first time mums.

I must enquire further, its my second anyway so I should most definitely get should all be well again.

I doubt you were told lies Claire, different hospitals may have different policies x

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