Lady bits in labour!

Ive managed to get away with just my mom being in the room for the birth (and midwife ofc) i have a feeling she is gonna wanna look in that mirror and watch baby come out though LOL she already asked me if she would be allowed to have the skin to skin after baby was born :/ i told her politely to goto hell and back, thats mine lol
Ive managed to get away with just my mom being in the room for the birth (and midwife ofc) i have a feeling she is gonna wanna look in that mirror and watch baby come out though LOL she already asked me if she would be allowed to have the skin to skin after baby was born :/ i told her politely to goto hell and back, thats mine lol

Bloody hell you're being good enough letting her be there and see your foof for gods sake, I dont blame you saying no to skin to skin!!!!!!!
Wow so lots of people are thinking along the same lines then! I'm positive I won't give a flying .... When the time comes but it is defo a scary thought!

I'm slightly paranoid about this too, but strangely more so because of my OH who has been away and hasn't seem my ladybits for 2 months!!!!

Had a full leg wax and bikini wax a couple days ago and it didnt hurt much at all really.

I know I wasn't pregnant but everytime my OH has been away I have been exactly the same when I knew he was coming home! Hair cut, eyebrows, legs, pits, foofa all shaved/cut/plucked! Nails done, outfit sorted, diet followed... the list is endless! He thought i was crazy! I'm sure he will think u look awesome xxxx
Wow so lots of people are thinking along the same lines then! I'm positive I won't give a flying .... When the time comes but it is defo a scary thought!

I'm slightly paranoid about this too, but strangely more so because of my OH who has been away and hasn't seem my ladybits for 2 months!!!!

Had a full leg wax and bikini wax a couple days ago and it didnt hurt much at all really.

I know I wasn't pregnant but everytime my OH has been away I have been exactly the same when I knew he was coming home! Hair cut, eyebrows, legs, pits, foofa all shaved/cut/plucked! Nails done, outfit sorted, diet followed... the list is endless! He thought i was crazy! I'm sure he will think u look awesome xxxx

Haha yeah good to know I'm not the only one - hope the men appreciate it!
Aw thanks, he'd bloody better think I look awesome and he's better say so!!
im so paranoid about this too :-(

i dont want to look like a hairy throwback from the 80s!!!! boohoo!
i lol told my fella he would have to sort me out down there!! i wont be able to see but other people will so he might have to assist in neatening up lol
haha, I think my mind is a bit confused. I would SO much rather have a stranger tidying up the bits than my hubby! I prefer to have him see me at my best even though I KNOW he has seen me at my absolute worst over the last 10 years..
I'm just going to try my best. I am a hair freak especially arm pits I will be taking a razor to hospital with me. I don't want the first thing my child see's a giant fuzzy forest lol. xXx
I kept on top of it with my first few babies well with a little help from hubby, he saw alot worse as I had alot of bleeding and complications and i could never anser the questions what colour and consistency so in the end i got him to look so a hairy foof was noting. funnily enough though i wont let him look when baby's head comes out, even i dont want to look, i am more worried if i poo and that i want noone to see.
My hubby helped me last time but im not actually that bothered about this I will try n keep it trimmed as long as poss but not gona worry about it if I cant reach when the belly is huge. Iv let my hubby look down there both times when the head has been coming out he finds it amazing lol and ill be letting him again this time. Dont think midwives will even notice if you have a hairy foof or a waxed one tbh they will have seen much much worse x
I kept on top of it with my first few babies well with a little help from hubby, he saw alot worse as I had alot of bleeding and complications and i could never anser the questions what colour and consistency so in the end i got him to look so a hairy foof was noting. funnily enough though i wont let him look when baby's head comes out, even i dont want to look, i am more worried if i poo and that i want noone to see.

That is another thing i think about aswell! What if i poo... yikes. I know the midwife wont care about either but i would still be mortified! Feel better after reading these posts! xxx
This reminds me of my friends hilarious birth story - she said she'd had an epidural and was pushing and her partner says to her 'so you know you just pooed?' She said 'no and did you really have to tell me?' then she did another push and he says 'oh you just pooed again' !! I think she just laughed but I would have slapped him!!! Now cause I've told my partner this story he says he is definitely going to do the same and make a big song and dance about it if I poo - men!!!
Hahaha poor woman!

I had spoken to my friend and she was telling me how she had a really bad teared foof and how she needed stitches. Got home and was telling Rob (oh) and u know what he said to me... he said if that happens to me he will ask them to keep going and put a few more stitches in! :shock::shock: Cheeky little shit! Good job we been together so long and i get his weird sense of humour! Hahaha xxx
lol about the stitches i never had stitches with my 1st 4 and when i had my 4th the midwife said no stitches again and hubby said please could you put some in, the midwife slapped him lol, luckily enough she laughed too cause i was laughing but that is his sence of humour.
LOL I agree with Rebecca on page 1, Im not even pregnant (yet) and I worry about these things, this thread has made me laugh in a good way :)
I was actually thinking about starting a waxing routine a few months out, just so it's not as painful at the very end. Has any one here managed to survive a waxing at 9 months?

Yep! I kept up with my monthly waxing appointments throughout my pregnancy. Last one was the day before my due date. Hubby thought I was mental! I have absolutely everything off when I go. I did joke that my waxer knows my foof better than anyone (even me!) so she should've been my birthing partner!
I actually never really thought about having a hairy foof (that word made me giggle!) in labour, but I'm worrying about it now haha! I'll probably just try and keep it as neat as possible down there, and probably ask OH to help when I can't see :-). But one thing I have worried about before is if I poo!! Eeek! A friend of a friend said she really wasn't bothered that she'd pooed in labour, but the thought of OH seeing me poo in labour makes me cringe! Lol! Knowing him he will just laugh though :lol: Xx
I was actually thinking about starting a waxing routine a few months out, just so it's not as painful at the very end. Has any one here managed to survive a waxing at 9 months?

Yep! I kept up with my monthly waxing appointments throughout my pregnancy. Last one was the day before my due date. Hubby thought I was mental! I have absolutely everything off when I go. I did joke that my waxer knows my foof better than anyone (even me!) so she should've been my birthing partner!

Good to know! As silly as this is, I'd be much more embarrassed to have my husband help with the tidying up vs a complete stranger. Makes no sense whatsoever, but there it is!
Yeah i think the poo thing is taking over from my fear of a hairy foof! After the comments here i think im gonna just try my best to keep it neat down there! But the poo thing... u just cant prepare for really. I hope i dont end up really constipated at the end, i literally will be shitting myself! xxx
Trust me, your body will clear itself out in labour! I could barely get myself off the loo. I now realise why some babies are born in the toilet!

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