

Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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I've been in the early stages of labour since last night, having regular tightenings every half an hour lasting for 30 seconds, then they would be a bit irregular and be every 5 minutes, then 10 minutes and then back to 30 minutes. They aren't painful, just uncomfortable and I actually thought they were braxton hicks but the hospital confirmed they were actually proper contractions! They were mostly measuring between 25 and 30 on the monitor but on the odd occasion went up to 32, some of them I couldn't even feel. LO wasn't moving much at all yesterday, we were a bit worried and was asked to go in to be checked, everything was fine with LO and M/W said they were probably a bit quiet due to me being in the very early stages of labour. Today they are completely back to normal with their movements. I had pretty bad diarrehoea (sp?) this morning and felt pretty rough (had the shivers, was hot etc) but now I'm feeling fine. The contractions have completely stopped, I've got nothing! I really don't understand my body at the moment! Did anyone have a similar experience with their labour? I just want something to start happening again, contractions, waters breaking, anything! I'm so frustrated!! :wall:
i had that. had pains on the friday evening thru about 5am then they stopped on the saturday! they started up again the saturday nite and my daughter was born on the sunday. x
this is how i started too and i had my baby 26 hours later!!!!
My MW was convinced on my appointment on Friday that I was in labour and would be having my baby that night :shock: I was having contractions while she was examining me!
The were on and off all Friday, stopped Friday night and started up again saturday afternoon but about 30 minutes apart. Stopped again on Sunday morning and then started up last night and still having them now :think:
Starting to get slightly more painful now but I think LO is staying put for another couple of days at least! Just getting plenty of rest now that I know things are moving :sleep:

Hope things speed up for us both!! You must be just as frustrated as I am :hug:
Joys of latent labour. You could go on like this for a fair while. I had 2 days of latent labour before labour proper started (3cms dilated and contractions that stuck and were coming every x amouont of minutes apart and lasting 45 seconds and longer). Latent labour was annoying as it meant I got little sleep, irregular contractions and so on.

Until labour actually happens try to carry on as normal. Get some sleep as you'll need all your energy soon I am sure. Eat well, rest and relax.

Hope the contractions come back and labour proper begins before your waters break tbh. Once your waters go you only have 24 hours for labour to start usually before the Doctors will want to take some kind of action. It would be preferable for your latent labour to move into first stage labour properly and your contractions to become regular and to gradulally get closer together.
Oh it's so annoying isn't it! I was getting so frustrated with my body but it started to do something!

On the Wednesday night I was getting light contractions, nothing major though. Thursday they all stopped til the evening when they started up slowly again (again, nothing major, just a bit uncomfortable), then I was induced Friday morning (but had got myself to 3cm dilated!)

Mind you, I had a sweep :think: LOL :rotfl: I'm no help am I!! xx
Thankyou for all your replies :hug: Contractions still haven't started again, its not fair! I don't even know how dialated I am because they wouldn't examine me, they said they don't like to in the very early stages. But thats no use really because even if I knew how far along I was it would make me feel a bit better and give me some hope!

Dannii - It's so annoying and I'm feeling pretty frustrated with my body too, its not doing its job properly!
lauranjamesnbaby said:
Dannii - It's so annoying and I'm feeling pretty frustrated with my body too, its not doing its job properly!

But it is :) Its doing a wonderful job. Latent labour is very common albeit frustrating but when your baby and body are ready labour proper will start :) Its a sign that things are heading in the right direction anyways :)
I was in latent labour from wednesday and i i had a sweep on the friday at 7 days overdue, my contractions got stronger and i lost my plug friday night but then it died down again...back to the irregular contractions until they finally got very strong and regular on sunday..i had Hayden monday morning!! so just hang in there, your body is getting all fired up to go!
once i was in established labour (over the 3 cm mark) my labour was 4 hours and then 25 mins pushing him out so once baby is ready it can turn around and become very fast :) x

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