Labour pains?


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2007
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Just wondering as I am really pooing myself.
Sorry! I gotta say they were more painful than I expected. Can't of been that bad though cos I'm a wimp and I went on to have another 2 after my 1st :D
me too!

didn't stop me having two more though....... :wink:
yeah there were really painful, but labour is long and boring, it adds some excitment :rotfl:
It doesn't seem to be looking good for someone that's a bit of a wimp when it comes to pain. :cry:
They really hurt but wasn't as bad as I expected. Didn't stop me getting pregnant again :lol:
i dont wanna lie to u so u hav a nasty shock- they did hurt more than i expected. but i am normally such a wuss and i surprised myself for getting thru it with only a little gas & air. and i would do it again :D
I must be in the minority as it was nowhere near as bad as I expected and only got what I would call really painful for the last hour. But then that last hour was a bit of a blur tbh. Just like bad period pains :)
Oh hun, try not to worry too much about it. I am one of the worlds worst when it comes to pain and to begin with I was really dreading the thought of labour.
I have however heard such a lot of positive stories from people since and there is stuff for the pain now. I just think back to what it must have been like years ago when there was no pain relief at all, that makes me feel a lot better.

When you've had your gorgeous little bubba, post your birth story, we would love to hear about it. I bet you say that you would definately do it again.

Best of luck :hug: :hug: :hug:
They wernt as bad as i thought they were going to be, but they still hurt :D
sarah113 said:
They wernt as bad as i thought they were going to be, but they still hurt :D

I agree, I was expecting it to be a lot worse than it was :D
i thought dat i wud sail through it hun. i had a rude awaking!!!! (dat tells all)
WAY MORE painful than expected. Sorry but they really were :shock: I am a wimp when it comes to pain though and I was IV induced, so hoping it won't be so bad next time (I'll keep telling myself that! :lol: )

Saying all that I would do it again and then some to have my baby boy.
Lola's Mummy said:
sarah113 said:
They wernt as bad as i thought they were going to be, but they still hurt :D

I agree, I was expecting it to be a lot worse than it was :D

aawww your avatar is sooo cute hun :hug:
I had some good advice which got me through all three labours.

Just keep saying to yourself: Now it's started, thre's no way back, and each contraction brings me closer to meeting my LO.......

:hug: :hug: :hug:
It's such a hard question to answer.

I put worse than expected, but really that's cause you CAN'T expect it, there's no sensation like it.

But you'll cope with it better than you expect too, I bet :hug:
I agree with Minxy, there's no other pain like it :? It was worse than I expected, sorry I dont want to scare you but contractions really hurt. Wont stop me having another baby though and I did it with only gas and air for 8 mins :wink:

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