Kitty cat help please

I personally wouldn't risk it as cats aren't like dogs in my experience and if they wanna go inside they will pretty much just go. My old cat at my parents' house actually comes in from outside to go to the loo so my mum always ends up still having to clean it :lol:

You can get litter tray freshener... doesn't get rid of the smell completely but does help a little... also if you use the pine cat litter rather than clay this tends to have a nicer scent to it and round our way it works out cheaper too.

I know the feeling though as we have two house cats and when they go for a poop at the moment I feel like strangling them as I'm not really sposed to clean it up and it stinks the house out!!!!! :x
I took on two cats who were about a year old and had been indoor cats.
I managed to train them to go outside within a week. First they had a few times of going out, and when i felt they were confident enough i put their litter trays outside where i wanted them to toilet eventually. After a few days of this out some of the litter on the ground and took the tray away. I have never had an accident since and both me and my cats are much happier.
We do have a litter tray, but at the beginning before i felt comftable enough to let them come and go as they pleased, they had a litter tray just at night and went out in the day. Was worried this would confuse them at first but they were fine.
The best cat litter I have tried is 'worlds best cat litter' - you can get on Although it is expensive it is brilliant because it clumps any mess together and this can just be removed, leaving the rest fresh. The clumping also helps with the smells. Its amazing and is recommended by most vets and cat rescue centres.
Good Luck!
I recommend changing the brand of litter. Most cat litters really let the pee stink! The absolute best that we have found is Sainsbury's clumping cat litter. Not the ultra clumping, it's a bit mad. The clumping stuff makes a ball as the pee dries so it is easy to scoop the stone like ball out with the pooper scooper and hey presto - clean litter :D Plus because it makes a clump it doesn't smell. We stopped using it a few years ago because we got rabbits and they would have been stupid enough to eat it which would have killed them. If there's a chance that children may eat it then I wouldn't go with it either. We changed to the wood pellet litter (any brand) and that also works really well at not stinking. The wood pellets soak up any pee and become sawdust so again it isn't smelly though you can't just remove the peed on bits like this. It's cheaper though.

Our cat mostly goes outside but we have the litter tray just in case. We use the wood pellets and change it out less than once a month and it doesn't smell.

If the cats are using the trays then don't get rid of them in case they find somewhere else to pee. If they stop using them there will be no smell. Catch-22?
Definately possible, I don't have a catflap as I don't like the 'presents' my cat brings me (dead or alive! :D )

In the summer she comes in at 10pm ish and is then shut in until we get up. This time of year she is in much earlier (likes her creature comforts) around 7pm and stays in til the morning. We've never had any accidents :cheer: TBH you kinda get used to their ways, she sits by the door if she wants to go out and scratches to come back in - if we don't open the door to let her in quick enough she literally throws her whole body at the door so we hear her :) :roll:

Once they are settled in your new place and coming and going quite happily I'd give it a go - do it on a night they've come in reasonably late and just remove the litter tray. You'll have to be prepared for accidents though in case it doesn't suit them and the first few times you try I'd leave them somewhere that is easy to clean if they do go to the toilet overnight like the kitchen? You don't want them peeing or pooing on carpets/ sofas or beds :D
Thank you girls, I will give them a bit more time to get used to where they live etc (although they seem to know as we say Monica several streets away from our house today :D ) then I will take the tray away when they come in one night and see how they go. To be honest, I've been watching their toilet habits and they seem to come in around 8pm and do their business and not really toilet again until the next day so may be ok during the night :pray:

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