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advice please on our cat!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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we had 2 cats, both from a rescue centre, the first cat we got in 2004 i think she was special needs (she was kicked in the head as a kitten) she couldnt jump onto high things, she was clumsy and she couldnt look after herself properly, she never groomed herself, she didnt bury her poo's and didnt clean her ass she was often covered in shite. oh and she didnt like to be held, was very jumpy and skittish and never put her claws in (she sounded like a dog on the laminate floor tapping as she walked!) the other cat is a very good cat we got him a month before we found out i was pregnant. the cats didnt really get on, but they tolerated each other. we'd tried other cats before with the special needs one, but she sends out bad cat vibes, even the nicest cats would hiss and growl at her so we always had to take them back- this boy cat we still got was the only one who would tolerate her.

anyway the special needs cat had to go last month- we loved her dearly but we got a baby now who's almost walking and puts everything in her mouth and likes to touch cats- and with that cat there was always shit on the floor somewhere, or on the couch where she'd sat- and the house altho i vaccuumed every day looked like we didnt even own a dyson. plus she was so jumpy and looked like she was gonna attack the baby a couple times when she was crying. so she's been re-homed.

the remaining cat is brilliant with millie, he's clean, friendly, and comes up to her and nuzzles her then tolerates it when she tries to stroke him but clumsily pokes him in the eye or pulls his fur. and she loves him.

BUT, since the other cat went, he's started being naughty- i think 3 occasions we've found poo on the kitchen floor, and in the last 24 hours iv found piss on the floor twice!!!
i dont understand, both cats were well litter trained, idk why he's started doing this, he didnt even like the other cat so i dont think he misses her :?

we gonna buy a bigger litter tray coz he's a HUGE cat and the current one is one of those walk-in ones (the special cat used to sit on the edges and piss over the sides in the normal ones- she had the right idea bless her but still missed the gravel!) so we gonna get a roomier one for him. but if that doesnt work, then he'll have to go too- but none of us want that :(

why do u think this is what can we do?
have you moved the litter tray at all? any other major changes in the house eg decorating? usually that upsets them.

do as you with a kitten, as soon as he's done it show him the mess and put him in his litter tray.
Unfortunately a lot of cats do this, sometimes it can be for attention cause they dont feel very well or attention cause they feel they are not getting enough. Some cats just do it cause they are naughty. All my cats have done it and they are litter trained to.

If he is to big for his tray then like you said a bigger tray may be better. You could also try some feliway that calms them if he is stressed or worried about something. You could also try putting down something citrus in the places where he is pooping and weeing as they apparently dont like citrus so it should prevent him from doing it in that spot again.

Even though he didnt necessarily get on with the other cat it doesnt mean he wont miss her being around so maybe just plenty of hugs and strokes might help.

Thats all i can think of i'm afraid sorry i couldnt be much more help.
Sounds like maybe the remaining cat is just trying to rid the house of the other cats scent now it's gone :think:

Cats are notorius for marking territory with their scent and they obviously do this with pee and poo but also by rubbing against things as they have scent glands in their necks.

I would maybe try a good disinfect of the main areas where the old cat used the most and then spend a while stroking the remaining cat and wiping your hands on carpets and furniture in those areas. Maybe also try placing old clothing in the cats sleeping area so that it transfers scent and then strategically placing those items of clothing around the house out of sight. Don't worry about the smell as it's pheremones that cats use to mark with which are hardly detectable by us :wink:

Maybe it's just a dominance thing, think of it like moving house, one of the first things you do is a good clean and redecorate :)

As Flame says, plenty of hugs and stroking won't go amiss either and I can recommend Feliway too as we used it when we moved house and the cat settled in the same day.

Hope this helps
I think he just needs to settle now he's the only one there. All the above is good advice :)

We got a rescue just over a month ago to try and keep our 9month old company as he'd started trashing the house while we were at work and was constantly crying :( (he's he talker anyway!).

They hated each other at first and now they just about tollerate each other. Sometimes they actually play but still have the odd scrap :wall: :roll: The rest of the time they either ignore each other or sit about a foot apart and just eye each other up :rotfl:

All we know about the new one is she came from "a difficult household" but the way she flintches if you tell her off or even make a sudden unexpected loud noise or movement makes me think she used to get smacked or shoved out of the way a lot :( Her previous 'care' has also resulted in her being highly allegric to fleas.
She's cuddly and clean though :) but she also doesn't put her claws in for some reason and they're dam sharp! :think:

I'm biased cause I still love my 'kitten' to peices even though he often tears around the house and bounces off the furniture. It does get a bit much at times but I think :pray: he'll grow out of it. He's a lovely cuddly lap cat once he's burnt off some energy and always greets you at the door when you come home :cheer:
He seems happier with another cat in the house anyway and isn't distructive anymore.

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