Really off topic - cat problems!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2007
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I was wondering if anyone had any solutions...

My cat has always gone outside to the toilet but will not go out now as we have moved house (he's pretty happy in the house) and he's nervous of the other cats in the area. We have a litter tray which he is using however he is also weeing by the front door and no matter what I do to clean it up, he still does it. It's not even as if he wants go outside that way rather than the back. I've bought a Feliway diffuser, put pepper down, tin foil, sprayed it with deterrent and cleaned it up with white spirit. I have no idea what to do now. :wall:

Does anyone have any ideas as with a baby on the way I don't want it crawling around that and I don't really want to keep cleaning it up at the moment (actually..pregnant or not!)
it sounds like your cat is trying to mark its territory, maybe the previous householders had a cat, or maybe other cats are intimidating it from the outside ie. spraying outside the front door- we get that, it stinks, fortunately our charlie doesnt spray back.

have you tried using biological washing powder on the area? the enzymes are meant to break down the smell. is your cat 'fixed' that may help calm him/her down. It sounds like your cat needs to feel more secure at home. How about moving the food nearer to the area if that is convenient.

i hope you get it sorted, there is nothing worse than the smell of cat pee, especially at the front door :hug:

I've just looked in a book i've got.....he's spraying to leave his scent for security. If he is nervous about going out & the other cats in the area then he is trying to mark his territory to stop other cats coming in. This is common when there has been change in the house (i.e. you moving to a new house) and they tend to do it by doors and windows.

The only thing it suggests that you haven't tried is to put food by the door. You should clean the area first with a warm solution of biological washing powder, then rinse with cold water and allow to dry. Follow by scrubbing with an alcohol like surgical spirit. This must then be left to dry before the cat is allowed back into the room. Then leave a bowl of food where he usually wees as this will normally deter a cat as they will not normally wee anywhere near their food. Make sure he doesn't eat all the food and then wee though! so its probably best with dry food.

Has he been neutered. By friend has problems with one of her cats doing this by the front door ut he hasn't been neutered so we think that is why. Her cat has just becoe an adult cat so i think its more to do with friskiness!!

I'll have a look to see if there's anything in any of my other books,

Michelle x
ooops tangerinedream posted at the same time with the same solution!!
most of the books suggest putting dried food in small tubs in any of the areas this happens. They also mention sticking the food to the bowls to stop them eating it so that the food is just a deterrent and you dont end up with a fat cat!

The only other thing that i found was a way to take away the reason for him doing it. It said that because he is in a completely new territory that can unsettle the cat so you need to show him that the house is safe. You should put him in a cat pen for a short time. Put a bed in there, food, water, toys and a litter tray. I'm not sure how this works but its meant to help them to get used to new places. Spend time in the room where his pen is, so probably best in the lounge. Also let him walk around the house with you, follow him into each room, your presence makes the cat feel safe.

The things we have to do for our pets!!

Good luck & i hope some of this helps

Michelle x

im a vet nurse, have you tried a product that u get from the vets its called a Felifriend diffuser, it releases nice lovely pheramones that only the cat can smell - it calms them down and makes them feel secure. You can only get it from the vets thou

Hope this tip helps x x x
if its a boy cat get him neutered :)
or try lemon juice? cats supposed to not like it
Thanks for your suggestions...Tori I have a feliway diffuser and Trixipaws he was neutered as soon as possible!!! I haven't tried the washing with washing powder thing yet...might give it a go!
Our 2 cats keep peeing behind the tv, I've tried everything, and there male as well so it stinks :puke:

I'm gonna have to get their bits done soon and see if that helps...
I wondered whether it was because of him sensing that I was pregnant or something but I think he's too dense for that! :(

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