kimbos revenge!


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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im blaming kim.. im so tired.. when i go to bed.. so why is it i cant get to sleep? my eyes are burning im yawning my bladders empty.. but yet i still cant sleep.. for atleast an hour or so.

im also gettign up to wee about 5 times average a night now.. and its really doing my head in.. if it wasnt for the fact that basically i need a crane to get me out of bed .. and when you stand up your hips seriously feel like they have come appart in two i would be ok,
this sounds nasty but im probably still getting more sleep than most of you girlys.. but i just seriously cannot opperate on no sleep.. i have to have about 8 hrs a night lol.. or im the devil!
all i can say is.............

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

believe it or not... since i got my lilo ive been sleeping so much better!
my hips pains has just gone now!

last night i read in bed until half 12, then fell asleep and woke up at half 5.. went for a wee then got back in bed and woke up at quarter past 9 :D :D :D

ner ner :moon: :moon: :moon:
lisa&alex said:
have i ever told you how much i hate you?

stop harassing me on msn then and serenading me with your love :D
Kimbo said:
believe it or not... since i got my lilo ive been sleeping so much better!
my hips pains has just gone now!
yay :cheer: sooo pleased the lilo's worked for you! they're fab aren't they!! :hug: :hug:
I know just how you feel. I must sleep mo more than about 2/3 hours a night. And that's generally on a good night. :(
Hehe i dont get up for wee at all in the night, i go to bed at 11pm and wake up at 8:30am, still feeling like i havent rested..... :wall:

Last time i was going to the loo 5-6 times a night but this time it hasnt started yet. :cheer:
kellysomer said:
Hehe i dont get up for wee at all in the night, i go to bed at 11pm and wake up at 8:30am, still feeling like i havent rested..... :wall:

Last time i was going to the loo 5-6 times a night but this time it hasnt started yet. :cheer:

How, how, how do you manage that? PLEASE tell me! I am up every hour at the moment again and I don't even drink that much at night!
No idea hun, could it be becasue bubs is breech. Plus i am soooo shattered by bedtime nothing wakes me up......

I am still working 10 hour shifts until 9pm, so when i get in at 10pm i'm dying.... :rotfl:
im with kelly on this one, i dont go to toilet during the night either, i fall straight to sleep and then wake when alarm goes off at 7.30ami cant imagine having to go to toilet every hour all night, think i would just sleep on the loo or fit a catheter :rotfl:
i only went for a wee once a night when i was 26-27 week.. now im up quite a bit.. but hell i had a sexy night sleep last night.. only got up once for a wee...

when i went to parent craft classes when i was pg with charl.. they had an incontinence man come to talk to us aobut pelvic floors (completly in-appropriate if u ask me.. i mean how can he know how u need to wee when ur pg??) anyway.. he said in the night you should try to hold it in as long as possible.. and make 2 at the most trips to the loo or you will weaken your pelvic floors.. and become incontinent when ur older..

tbh.. not sure if its true or not.. and when u gotta go u gotta go really.. i find if im awake more. then i wee more...the other night i was awake for atleast 3 hrs before finally dropping off and i wee'd 5 times..
pmsl Im gonna sound really thick here but............ this lilo LOL :oops:

do you sleep with it on the bed??? I thought about giving it ago the other day when I read the thread lol, Ive got terrible backache today.
paiges_mummy said:
pmsl Im gonna sound really thick here but............ this lilo LOL :oops:

do you sleep with it on the bed??? I thought about giving it ago the other day when I read the thread lol, Ive got terrible backache today.

ive took a pic for you lol....

ive put the lilo under my bedsheet so its on my mattress, then over the sheet ive put the baby quilt on it cos its just the right size... then put my pillows at top and sleep on it like that lol

lol its sooooooooo comfy

Kimbo said:
paiges_mummy said:
pmsl Im gonna sound really thick here but............ this lilo LOL :oops:

do you sleep with it on the bed??? I thought about giving it ago the other day when I read the thread lol, Ive got terrible backache today.

ive took a pic for you lol....

ive put the lilo under my bedsheet so its on my mattress, then over the sheet ive put the baby quilt on it cos its just the right size... then put my pillows at top and sleep on it like that lol

lol its sooooooooo comfy


but what if it slips off the bed and you fall out??
then i would break the floor


no it doesnt slip when its on the mattress.. its a double bed so have it further on than in the pic but once youve fallen asleep on it, its that comfy that you wont move!

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