Just wanted to say hi! 23 weeks and 5th baby!


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2009
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Can't believe I joined this forum expecting number 2, and here I am with number 5!

Anyone else got a big family? I love it, was never planned to have this many but it's definitely my calling.
Have got more hippy with each baby too for sure, had 3&4 at home, this one will also be a home birth, delayed cord clanping, natural 3rd stage, cord tie, co sleeping, breast fed, worn in a wrap for the first few months.
Also really excited as had 3 boys, then my daughter, and this is another girl. So will be lovely for those 2 to be close, 22 months apart.
Have just moved house so that's exciting seeing what will be the 'girls bedroom' one day.
And names wise, last daughter is called Erin. This time I think I've called in love with the name Quinn. Anyone know any girls called that? I met one once a couple of years ago and she was such a cute little girl it stuck in my mind ever since!
Ahh how lovely!! I'm one of 4 girls so I think big families are brilliant.
Never heard of Quinn as a girls name but sounds cute! And goes with Erin.

Good luck with number 5 xx
Welcome and a big Congratulations! Im also from a family of four girls, big gaps though. So lovely :) i worked with a girl called Quinnlyn so she went by Quinn, really suited her, Ive always loved the name.

Hope youre feeling good so far and alls going well :)
Congratulations how lovely! This is my 4th pregnancy, i have 3 boys already and this is a girl, we will definitely be stopping at 4 though!! :)
aw congrats , I'm 22weeks with my third baby! ever planned having 3 but cannot wait for the new addition. My eldest is a girl , then I had a boy and currently expecting another boy :) I'm finding it so hard to think of boys names atm x

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