brown discharge at 23 weeks


Sep 27, 2006
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hi everyone,

had a scare this weekend as I was getting some brownish discharge, with a little mucus when I wiped after the loo. Midwife called me into hospital, and after checking the little fella's heartbeat and my cervix, they decided to let me go home. That was Saturday afternoon, and I'm still getting some now on Monday afternoon.

Doctor couldn't really say what it was (a number of reasons were stated, inc a polyp that she discovered on my cervix) but told me to keep an eye on it.

Am still worried sick, esp as little fella hasn't been as active today and I've got slight piercing pains very low down in my abdomen.

Has anyone else had this? would you go back in to be safe?

A very worried,
Hi Dolly :wave:

I had a bleed that lasted 4 days, but didn't have any pain with it.

I'd call your MW if your still worried.

Hi Dolly,

Can't really offer any advice but it seems that everything was OK when you were checked at the hospital.

Maybe the pain now is something else completely like your ligaments stretching? How far along are you?

I would rest a lot and monitor the colour of the discharge. If it changes or gets more then defo contact your midwife again :hug: :hug:

Hope this helps xxx
Ooohhh Forgot so say....have something sweet like chocolate and see if that gets your little one moving? :D

Hi honey, I had some reddish discharge at about 19 weeks and I had some again about a week ago. The first time I went in to hosiptal and they checked me and said that my cervix was closed and that they thought the blood must have come from a burst blood vessel inside me. I wouldn't worry. Unless the blood is bright red and there is lots of it, it is more than likely that it is a burst blood vessel brought on by strain, whether through sex or walking or whatever. At this stage the vagina is incredibly vascular so it wouldn't be that hard for a little blood vessel to pop and if you think about it even the tiniest drop of red blood would make discharge look coloured compared to clear discharge. My LO is sometimes very quiet and then starts up again. I think it is just how babies are in the womb, active then quiet. I also get pains sometimes and this is also normal as your pelvic bone and the attached ligaments are all stretching to accomodate a growing baby.

If you want a chat or anything pm me. :hug:

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