Just some advise please!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2008
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I know I am early but I am trying to look on the internet and get my head around this, I am going to be returning back to work after 4 months as I am an accountant and finishing my final exams so I need to return after 4 months, I want to breastfeed baby if I can from the start, but then I want to have changed to a bottle when I return to work (if this is possible) as I am a first time mum I am unsure of what the procedure effect would be! I am planning on expressing aswell in the 3 months I breastfeed for the day I am in uni once a week

Sorry about the long post but I could really do with some advise as I am so worried as to where I stand and if I can do this



A couple of pointers first. You are advised not to express during the first six weeks, until your supply establishes itself.
Secondly, expressing does not indicate your supply, so if you can't get that much, don't worry,, because your baby is always able to get more out than a pump will.

There's no reason why you can't BF at the beginning, then express once you're back at work.

You can keep expressed milk for 6 hours at room temperature, up to 8 days (at 0-4degC) and up to 6 months in a freezer.

Um, my head's full of cold today so I can't make sense. I hope some of that helps!
So am I right in saying you wish to breastfeed until 4 months and then switch to formula at 4 months when you go back to work.

If this is the case then yes it is fine and can easily be done. I did the same. I started by dropping a feed every few days and replacing with a bottle so that Rudy was gradually weand from breast to formula.

I also expressed from three weeks as I was having weekly driving lessons. The reason I intorduced formula is because I was attending college and found expressing enough whilst there increasingly difficult, add onto that the fact the college had no milk storage facilities etc an

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