Just lost it will baby be ok?

positivity :)

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Me and OH just had a massive argument in the car, I totally lost it, ended up getting out the car at lights and slamming the door with all my force after shouting and losing my temper. Now I feel really guilty and I'm worried about my LO :cry: xxx
Oh no, hope you are ok. I am sure LO will be fine but try to calm down. I sometimes felt like arguing just for the sake of it
Something in the air me and OH had a row in the car I shouted so loud! I an sure LO will be fine hun x

I just thought I would stick my nose in to tell you , your baby will be fine :hugs: . During my pregnancy I had some serious stress , we moved house , I lost a very close friend and I lost the head at my oh several times . Dont feel guilty because you wont have harmed baby . Put your feet up and rest though and calm yourself down xxxx
Baby will be fine, don't worry... there must be thousands of hormonal pregnant women (I'm not suggesting it was hormones and he didn't deserve it!) doing exactly the same every day! Hope you're ok :hug: x
Thank you xxx

it's horrible coz I think I should have stopped myself. Also it's not just the stress but the way I used my strength to slam the door like an idiot :(

We're still not speaking. He's normally really good but just acting like such a moron tonight :( it all started coz I had a moan about him overtaking a coach on a really busy road. Men are so pathetic! :cry: xxxx
Bubs will be fine Hun, look after yourself tho, hope u are ok :hug: x
I'm am exactly the same with my OH's driving now that we've got kids (and it all started when I was pregnant)..he's a good driver but everything he does that it's perfectly safe makes me feel awful when the boys are in the car, and he hates it when I say anything! I wouldn't worry about slamming the door - babies are so well padded in there; you're more likely to do yourself some damage as our ligaments aren't as supportive as usual during pregnancy x
Hope you're ok lovely. Sure baby will be totally fine. Just concentrate on having a good nights kip and hopefully things with OH will be better in the morning. Men can be right arses when it comes to driving. :hug: xxx

Thanks, my OH is an awful driver, no observation skills and fairly new to driving. Iv been driving for years yet I'm not allowed to say a word! Don't get me started on when my little man is here, he shouldn't be driving like that anyway while I'm pregnant! Xx
Baby will be fine, I've cried, shouted and argued with my fella (not 4 a while actually) but baba still kicking away xx
I am ashamed to admit I frequently have mad crying fits over the silliest of things (all down to hormones......obviously). Afterwards I feel really bad but it's like I can't control it at the time!
:hugs: like the ladies said im sure bubs is fine, i threw a hoover at dd1's dad when i was pregnant during an argument!!

Only thing i got was a kick of annoyance from bubs! xxx
Were always arguing! Just did because I didn't ask if he wanted a coffee although he never wants one lol! It's natural!

Me & Ash are always arguing over his driving! I am not allowed to give my opinion because I cant drive! I have told him, there's noway our little lady is getting in his car! He calls me a grandma which really p*sses me off! Men! Grrrr! x x x
they are so annoying :( i mean i would overtake a small car but a WHOLE coach in central london!! :cry:

we carried on arguing when we got in and just about managed a few words this morning.

i just hate it when we argue and i get that stressed out, i feel really guilty to little man after.

the nice thing about being this far on though is he gave me some reassuring kicks throughout the night.....or maybe he was kicking me to tell me off :oooo:

thanks for your support as ever girls :hugs: xxx
Dont be worrying about having lost it for a minute, I suffer terrible road rage and the other night when the lights had turned green 3 times and the man infront of me still hadnt got into the car I opened the door and threathened to get out and beat him into the car!!! I worried too about the stress affecting the baby but it kicked all night then. Although I wouldnt have gotten outta the car cause Im pregnant and was wearing pjs, I swear for a split second my temper had completely gone and it was scary :( xxxx
Hey id argue too if my oh drove like that! but just chill out hun and baby is fine in there promise!

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