Just home from hospital


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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Not had him yet though!

As you know I had a bit of a bleed yesterday. Well had a little bit more today so they asked me to go in to get checked. They can't find any reason for the bleed so they think it was a show even though it wasn't mucousy. Was put on a fetal heart monitor for 30 mins and had 3 bh whilst on it. Hb was perfect but then a midwife measured me because she thought I looked small. Measuring 34cm. So they had a discussion and decided to do a scan (yay!!!!). He's definately, definately a he! Head down etc and measuring as weighing 7lb 11oz!!! They said I'm all baby!

Relieved all is ok!
Oh jeese, I just can't keep up these days. Glad everything is fine, fingers crossed this is the start of the little man's descent!! A whole pound lighter than Ross :)
Glad to hear everything is ok Helen. You've not got long to go at all now. xxxxx
Thanks guys! I'm really relieved! x just want him now though!!!
Thanks so so much for your replies! The relief is so hard to explain! I'm really sore now from all the prods and pokes!
Hi Helen so glad to hears all is okay - woz thinking about your wee post from yesterday earlier xx
happy everything ok, hope he comes soon
I hope he comes soon too! It was so comforting to hear his heartbeat for a half hour!!!!
what a lovely end to a worrying couple of days chick! you got to hear him, see him and hear that size is good. doesnt get much better than that eh?

congrats on your blue bump, hope you'll be meeting him very soon now xx
Thats fantastic news Helen! Chuffed you got a scan too! Bet he's changed loads since the 20 week one! xx
only just seen this glad your ok hun what a worry having a show is promising as well!!!
Thats fantastic news Helen! Chuffed you got a scan too! Bet he's changed loads since the 20 week one! xx

It's so much harder to see as he's much bigger but we saw his little pouty lips, button nose and even the lens in his eye, saw the aorta and valves in his heart working away, his spine and ribs, testes (lol!), foot and his hand. It was amazing!

SL I'm not convinced it was a show! It wasn't mucousy!

Thanks for all your replies x
thats great news glad all was well and another change to see your little man before his in your arms is always nice!! really hope its not long now for you xx
When I was in labour with zander I was scared I was bleeding not mucus at all and 40 mins later I was 8-9cm dilated lol!! And I was walking to the toilet everything fine ect wen I checked lol

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