just having a rant...


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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Feeling a bit down today cos my best friend has just told me she's pregnant! another of my friends just lost a baby last week, and daniels aunty gave birth 8 weeks early on friday his mum is also due in september. it just seems eveything is about pregnancy and babies!

when he told me about his aunty having the baby i turned round and said thats nice but i dont wanna hear about it. cant believe i was so heartless. I have a feeling theres going to be alot of arguments when his mum has her baby. I suppose im just going to feel like i cant give him another baby but his mum can give him another sibling. silly, i know but i cant help it!

and as for my best friend being pregnant, she has a 6 month old daughter and said she didnt want anymore for a good while. then i told her we were ttc and the next thing i know shes telling me she's pregnant. i know its not her fault but i cant help feeling slight resentment, especially as she said they had a termination booked but they changed their minds.

well i think iv said enough, i know i sound like a right bitch. please tell me to stop being so spiteful towards everything lol!
hun its completely natural to feel like this we all go through the same feelings you wouldnt be normal if you didnt, sorry your feeling so low hope you get a bfp soon sending you loads of baby dust xxxxxx
yeah dont worry your time will come . like rach says its natural 4 ups and downs xx
You shouldnt feel bad at all hun, its natural to feel what you are feeling.
We had been TTC for 18 months, when my younger sis announced her pregnancy-they hadnt been trying long and she never really wanted kids unlike me who has been broody for ever.
I was so trying to be happy for her, but cried for days and days. My heart was broken.
Luckily we concieved the following month, and our babies are due 2 1/2 weeks apart- we were at the point of seing doc for tests.

Even though I am so pleased at being pregnant, those early days of feeling jealous and resentfull will always be with me, and I am sure she sensed it too.

My fingers are crossed for you, and sending lots of baby dust your way xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
My ex-OH (who is now my best mate!) is expecting a baby with his new partner. It made me feel quite sick at first coz he always said to me he didnt want kids and then he went off and made someone pg!

I'm mostly over the jealousy now. I would rather have a baby with the OH I have now anyway! But I did feel really bad when he first told me.
oh kirsty i know how you feeling, everything all around seems to be babies and pregnancy. Iget so down about it all as well, we are here for you and understand.

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