just had my sweep

oooh hopefully we will have another birth announcement soon then. woo hoo. fingers crossed not much longer hun xxxx
All the best MoM....hopefully baby will come soon (but not too quickly this time!) xx
Sounds like you won't be too long now MOM - how are you feeling? xx
sorry i fell asleep really early and slept all night cant believe it, feeling great today and had quite a bit of brown discharge this morning. all my plans to help things along and have sex went out thewindow as i was asleep before my 14 year old went to bed at 10 lol. Maybe i will try tonight and see if it helps any.
Lol hun, well keeping my fingers crossed for you here that something will happen soon xx
good luck to u...

I was just asking on the other thread about sweeps how did u all get offered one? I never on my first child and was just wondering when and if i would this time x
good luck to u...

I was just asking on the other thread about sweeps how did u all get offered one? I never on my first child and was just wondering when and if i would this time x

I am getting them because they want to try and make me more in control if my labour starts, because was supposed ot be induced last week and consultant changed her mind, as my last labour was 8 mins from start to finish if i have had a sweep then at least i know any pains in next 2 hours to go straight to hospital. but i think they have strtedoffering them to women at 41 weeks before induction cause sometimes they work then no need for induction
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ive missed out on all the action not being online MOM - how are you feeling tonight? Its all so exciting! x
was a bit panicky last night was getting shooting pains low down so think baby moved even further down, and all of sudden i said to my husband omg i'm actualy going to have another baby, I dont know why it hadn't dawned on me before then. everthing calmed down again this morning, so will find out at midwife this afternoon if baby has engaged more and have my 2nd sweep.
good luck hun. hopefully this one will kick start things and you will have your baby by weekend. xxx
I am now 2-3cm dilated an easy 3-4cm when she stretched waters really bulging she was scared she was going to burst them with her finger. she explained it like when filling a water balloon you know if you add a tiny bit of water it will go bang. she reckons i wont make it till sunday and she wants me to text her when and where I have baby lol. she said not to quote her on it though. booked in for another sweep tuesday if nothing. she said i was having a tightening but i couldn't feel anything so its just wait and see now. but my body definately heading in right direction.

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