Sweep today


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2010
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Well, finally got a sweep today and apparently I am already 2cm dilated! Baby is in a good position and cervix nice and squishy so midwife was optimistic that the sweep should kick things off in the next 24 hours or so... have been booked in for an induction on Saturday if nothing happens but am now feeling much more hopeful that it might. Come on baby!!!!
Fingers crossed it kick starts labour for you!! Good luck & let us know how you get one!! Take care xxxx
Thanks ladies - I'll keep you posted - so lovely to have people who understand and share your dilation enthusiam! xx
Ooo fab! Really hope this starts things for you. Keep us updated! xx
Thats great news - have you got another sweep booked b4 sat just incase? Lets hope we have two labour watches in next day or so xxxxx
No more sweeps booked, but now that you've mentioned it think I might try and get one - gotta be preferable to induction ... Have had irregular contractions through the night but they haven't come to anything, back to bouncing on the ball and pineapple for lunch! Hope you're making progress evajo x
Id deffinatly try contact your midwife and get another sweep in either thursday or friday :thumbup: Thats rubbish if they only offer you one sweep!
I thought so too - but didn't realise I could request another one. Think I will give midwife a call today.
Sounds promising Kiwi
Good Luck! hope you progress nicely before saturday :)
Hope she's right and it kicks off soon for you!! :D I agree with the other girls, get asking for another sweep hun! x

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