Just had a txt from Libs.........

:rotfl: because it was prob me seeing lines where there weren't any :wink: and its your own fault for getting pregnant :wink:

I got your picture which made me jump.

And .....mum had her baby dream :cheer: baby boy in a flower cup for some reason - she assumed AF had come so didn't mention it. She also told me that she used to take over 2 months to show up on the doctors test - so wonder if there is something in this genetic thing :think:

feeling v tearful with HUGE bbs - testing again after Christmas though - I hate faint lines :shakehead: so will wait
This does sound incredibly like you are pregnant Libs!! Why dont you do a digital test? Im so excited for you! :D
HUGE MASSIVE VIRTUAL HUGS! omg i m so hoping your pregnant libs - that would make my bloody christmas!!!
:wave: Good luck Libs sounds very promising(sp?) and now that your mum has had a dream as well :shock:

:pray: :pray: That you get BFP when you next test.
Wll Libs - just a bit tiddeled and I need someone to have a BFP - cant think of anyone nicer so come on POAS and make our Chrismas x x x x
tomorrow :wink:
I will be po 2 diiferent types of stick :wink:
Sounds like you have all the signs and everything if only them sticks would just show it and stop messing you about.

I wish you all the best of luck xxx
Good luck hun, am keeping everything crossed for you :pray:

Oohh Libs, I've missed all this!
Make sure you test today and Good luck!!!! :hug:

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