just had a sweep


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2010
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well been to midwife today I'm 39wks,
she wanted to see me again as my feet where massive last wk and she wanted to see if they had gone down.
I think she felt abit sorry for me as I'm so big and with it being my 3rd and I went over due with my other two she said she could give me a sweep today so of course I jumped at the chance.
She said my cervix was open (she put 3 cm :shock: in my file) but long and high so had a hard time reaching but said she did it and just see if anything happens.
I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much as its still early days but i'm sat here bouncing away on my ball.
she's coming to my house at 40+3 to give me another sweep if this one dosnt work at least this time I feel like there trying to help me out.
so I will just have to wait and see come on baby!!!!!!
good news they're giving you a hand (!!) with this one, fingers crossed it works for you! she must have had long fingers!
Ooooh exciting! Hope baby decides it's time!!! x
Yay! Glad they're moving things along for you. 3cm's, wow. Hopefully baby won't be long now! xx
good luck lanny hope things start moving for you xx
good luck lanny! if this sweep works i think your having a boy. If not its def a girl in there :D
good luck lanny! if this sweep works i think your having a boy. If not its def a girl in there :D

haha isobel you've covered your bets.
My whole family think boy think we would be a little shocked if a girl came out lol.
I have had no signs so far it says online within 48 hours of the sweep things should start to happen if not the sweep has failed so only time will tell.

I will keep you updated lexi but I think I'm in for the long hall dont think my babies are ment to come early lol

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