Having a Sweep...


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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I don't think they do sweeps here in Spain... I know what it is.. and have explained this to my mw.. but she looks at me like I'm mad. Sweeps didn't "exisit" when I had Tia.. so I've never had one.

I went to get my blood results today....and mentioned that I'd lost my plug but was still having brownish/reddish discharge... so she said she'd have a look... well she said she could feel my waters and they were intact and that I'm 2 cm dilated, completely effaced and should go in the next week or so (:roll: Like I haven't heard that before)... and to have lots of sex and walking... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

So anyways... does that constitute as a sweep? It didn't hurt but she said she could put both her fingers into my cervix no problem... but now I have loads of period pain... and that's what everyone says they had after their sweep... :think: :think: It just got me thinking...
She probably did a sweep - its when she rubs her finger around on the inside of your cervix to seperate the membrane slightly, so if she could feel your waters im sure it acts as the same thing - mine was bloody sore though I thought she was trying to grab the babies head :shakehead: :shakehead:
no idea but sounds promising anyway! lol
ella said:
mine was bloody sore though I thought she was trying to grab the babies head :shakehead: :shakehead:

:shock: :shock: :shock: That sounds torturous.. mine was no way painful... although I'm still thinking along the "pain" of having my coil removed.. :think: which is like having your cervix ripped out with a sharp metal hook... :rotfl:

Anyway... I can't go into labour until either Friday, Sunday or Monday as those are the days when she is working at the hospital apparently... and she said she's never seen a blonde baby born before.. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
oooh sounds promising Squig, basically whenever i've had a sweep done it feels like they are trying to 'reach' high up into you and move around in a circle or left to right and back again, hope this helps.

Reckon if it was the same and you sound like your cervix is pretty favourable, what with the pains your getting you could be seeing something happening by later tonight/tomorrow :pray: :pray:
i would not have a clue!! but sounds like your next :D
oooo she never really moved her fingers around... :think: although she did say she got her fingers in and could feel the waters... I don't think I'll go any time soon though because I've not really had many niggles.... :( Think Happy Chick will be induced before I pop :)
Good luck Squiglet! Hope things get moving soon, it all sounds very promising! xxx Keep us posted!
Nope..... today I've had no twinges or pain other than the usual... :roll: I was in more pain yesterday... :shock: So I don't think its going to happen over the weekend like the midwife says.... *sigh*

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