Just found out im pregnant after MC


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2011
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Hi there,

Ive just found out im pregnant and im so worried as i suffered a MC last year. Its taken 7 months to fall pregnant again and im so worried its going to happen again. Ive already distanced myself from this pregnancy to a degree, ive only told my OH. I dare not tell anyone else because what happened last time and i dont think im going to tell my DRs till im 8-9 weeks. Im trying not to think about it too much but was wondering if anyone else felt like this after a MC.

I'm in my 5th pregnancy I have two children I know exactly how you feel and don't blame you for being cautious. Only thing you can do is relax as stress won't help xx
Hey lovely!
I had 3 mc's but now I have a 4 month old. It is totally the scariest thing after u have a loss when u get pregnant again, but there is no reason why it will happen again so try and make small little milestones like

Make it to booking appt

Make it to where u lost last time

Make it to scan

Etc etc makes it a bit easier.

Good luck hun x
I was exactly like this when I fell pregnant, and hadn't even experienced a miscarriage before, so I can't imagine what you're going through!

Just try to relax, I'm sure everything will be fine :)

Wishing you all the best! xx
Thanks to you all, I'm trying to relax some and my fella keeps saying the same. Going to wait another week till I ring the dr's and see a different midwife this time... The las one wasn't so forthcoming and didn't seem interested when I told her I was under the EPC. It's nice to know people have got an ear on here! Xxx

I know exactly how you feel - had an mc in January and so scared of it happening again so I am also distancing myself to some degree. We haven't told anyone at all either. I'm going to go to my GP on Monday and see if I have any chance of getting an early scan, if not I'll probably end up paying for a private scan around 7/8 weeks as I don't think I'll be able to wait until 12 week scan!

Let's get through tri 1 together! x
Smallpurplecat I think that sounds like a good idea to me since we are both in the same boat and a few days of each other. Think I'll ring mine on Monday too and see what they say, hopefully they will offer me an early scan but I also think a paid one sounds an option too. Hope your feeling ok and not stressing too much!
Congratulations on your pregnancy!! Agree with everyone else... Take it one step at a time. Do things when you feel comfortable. Look after yourself. It's a scary time carrying a child!xx
Hun i've only started to relax after 2 scans (one private) and now being 12 weeks after my mmc last year. It will make you a lot more nervous but everything crossed for you hun xxxx
I think i'll relax once i reach 12 weeks and ive had a scan for some reassurance! I'll see what the midwife says tomorrow.
I think i'll relax once i reach 12 weeks and ive had a scan for some reassurance! I'll see what the midwife says tomorrow.

Let us know what she says. I've got my Drs appt at 5pm so will see what he says.
I think i'll relax once i reach 12 weeks and ive had a scan for some reassurance! I'll see what the midwife says tomorrow.

Let us know what she says. I've got my Drs appt at 5pm so will see what he says.

Yeah no probs, my drs give you the midwifes mobile number so i'll call her tomorrow and explain the siutation and ask her. I'll def let you know once i know!
Well rang the midwife and i asked her, she said its not something they offer - in short because if your going to miscarry its going to happen and a scan wont alter that. She said that they wont be seeing me till about 8 weeks even with my MC so i guess unless i put some money to one side for a private one im waiting till 12 weeks... all a bit rubbish really and annoys me. I was under the same midwife last time and when i went to my booking appointment and told her i'd been bleeding and under the epu she said that there wasnt much point of the appointment and i never heard anything from her again, not even to see if i'd lost the baby or not.
So in all my rant here im going to book an appointment with my GP and tell them i want to be under my local hospital not midwife, my mum said that unless i want a home birth (which i dont) i can go under them since ive got issues with the midwife.
Hope you have more luck than me smallpurplecat!!!

Update - just rang the docs and got an appt 11th June, i'll be 7 weeks at this point so think i may be late for my booking appt and other things!!! doh...
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Sadly most EPU's will not see you for a reassurance scan after just one miscarriage.

I know it's horrible but statisitcally you are at no higher risk of having another one and that is the reason.

My EPU did see me at 7 weeks as I'd had 3 miscarriages in 2011. However they said they would do one scan and unless I needed to come back they wouldn't see me again.

If you can I would book a private scan, they can be expensive BUT they are worth every penny and seing bub will help you get through the minefield that is Tri 1

Hi hun, I'm going through exactly the same at the moment. I had an mmc 2 years ago and had to have an op to remove my baby. Before I found out I was pg this time, I almost collapsed at work, went to the dr and they asked me if I could be pg cos all the signs point to ectopic, I said yes, we were trying, but the result was negative. They put it down to kidney stones and gave me pain relief. A week later I took another test and got my BFP, I went straight back to the dr because I was worried it could be ectopic. I saw a different GP who said no it wasn't ectopic it was still my kidneys and to come back and see her in a week. Well I went last Monday and she was supposed to be referring me for an emergency scan of my kidneys to prove it is that, but still haven't heard anything. I have paid for a private scan now, I'm having it 2 weeks today, when I'm 9+1, I can't wait. I'm constantly knicker checking at the moment to make sure there's no blood. I'm even enjoying the morning sickness because I know baby is ok. Good luck hun, I hope everything is ok. xx
@McDizzy - Its is tough and i do the same everytime i go to the toilet, i keep expecting to see something there and just say to myself "i told you so". I think im going to look into a private one too just for piece of mind more than anything. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you chuck and im sure your scan will be amazing!!!
Meant to come on and update but haven't had a minute the last few days...

Saw my GP on Monday and he said they wouldn't give me an early scan yet but if I ring him when I'm 6 weeks (next week), he'll do the referral and ask for a scan around 9/10 weeks.

So, I'm going to book a private scan for when I'm 7 weeks.

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