Just found out i'm PG...but holiday booked to Thailand help!


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2006
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Hi ladies,

I found out yesterday that I am PG, I have already done about 5 tests all confirming the same. I was trying previously to conceive but we decided to give it a break and book a holiday.

We had sex (unprotected) ONCE on the 9th September and thats whats done it!!!!! But, i'm going to Thailand in 3 weeks and i'm concerned about traveling long distance and also getting a stomach upset out there. I think the flight is about 16 hours or so.

Any opinions would be greatly appreciated!!!


S x
It should be fine for you to travel in early pregnancy, I found out whilst abroad and was fine (although the flight was only about 3 hours). When you visit your GP, explain the situation and he/she will be able to advise what to do to make the flight safer and more comfortable. :) Congratulations!!

Im not entirely sure about whether flying is advisable in the first tri, I know you can fly up to 29 or 28 weeks usually or somewhere around that. I would book an appointment with your doc and see what they recommend.

As for getting a tummy bug, I think some common sense precautionary measures will ensure your are fit and well during your holiday.

I have been to Thailand and I would say you have got as much chance getting a tummy bug here in the UK as what you have in Asia.

Avoid salads cause you dont know if they've been washed, avoid raw and runny eggs.

Ensure meat is well cooked, not pink or bloody.

Wash hands before eating and after using toilet. Use anticbacterial hand wash as well to be on the safe side.

All fish is fresh so you will be okay there. Just be careful with shellfish. Some books say avoid shellfish & others say avoid raw shellfish. I suppose its your choice.

Ensure fruit has been washed, or ask for it peeled.

Dont eat from street hawkers, you dont know if the meat is fresh or whether its been kept at the correct temperature.

I think trying not to get a tummy bug is just basic food & health hygiene.

Hope you have a fantastic time if you decide to go.
Hi honey,

What a coincidence!!! I found out I was pregnant the day before I went to Hong Kong and Thailand this August!!
There is nothing to worry about, you will be fine. The only real difference I noticed is that my legs were quite swollen on the long flight back. They went down over night though, when I put them on pillows above my heart.

I felt queasy so I didn't eat on the planes either and I threw up when we transferred at Dubai...but you may be ok if you have no sickness yet.

Make sure you walk around lots on the flight and drink LOTS of water.

Thailand is relatively safe with regards to tummy upsets as long as you are in the main tourist areas like Bangkok, Phuket, Chang Mai and Pattaya. As with most places, don't drink the tap water at all and make sure you use the bottled water to clean your teeth with as well.

We ate in larger, more reptuable restaurants and hotels just to make sure food was thouroughly cleaned and cooked. The food is WONDERFUL, we had no stomach upsets at all.

remember to stay clear of shell fish etc there is a lot of that in Thailand...and don't have a thai massage :)

You'll have a wonderful time!!!

Lots of love
I got pregnant with my first in Thailand :) I lived there for 6 months,

I can only repeat what the others said, I would possibly avoid rice from smaller/grubbier places as that can carry harmful bacteria if kept warm, but that advice is the same for England too!
Thai food is great they have lots of fried stuff which will be fine as it should be very hot and well cooked.
Flying in 1st and 2nd trimesters in fine, i fly all the time for work and cleared it iwth my doctor as soon as i knew.

See your doctor before you go so he can note it on his file and make sure you let your travel insurance company know that you are pregnant and that your doctor has given you the all clear to go on holiday. It's a 'just in case', but better safe than sorry. The last thing you need is finding out you are not covered for pregnancy related stuff.

I wish i was going to thailand :D lucky you :D
sarahk said:
Hi ladies,

I found out yesterday that I am PG, I have already done about 5 tests all confirming the same. I was trying previously to conceive but we decided to give it a break and book a holiday.

We had sex (unprotected) ONCE on the 9th September and thats whats done it!!!!! But, i'm going to Thailand in 3 weeks and i'm concerned about traveling long distance and also getting a stomach upset out there. I think the flight is about 16 hours or so.

Any opinions would be greatly appreciated!!!


S x

you've found out your preggs already!! wow!!! you must only be a couple of weeks. :shock:
congrats, and i have the same problem!! lol..i have and end-of year work party combined with holiday in singapore/phuket and thailand, booked before i found out. I'll be 20 weeks by then. Am a little concerned about not being able to get vaccinated...
Hi Ladies,

Thank you so much for your responses, ive found it very helpful!

Its difficult to really concentrate on Thailand at the moment, ive got so much going round in my head - its all happened rather unexpectedly! I am a bit concerned though, I have had m/c in the past, but I bled from the day the stick turned positive. I do feel different this time round, so I'm hoping this is the real deal!!

I have a doctors appointment booked for next Tuesday, ive already written a long list of things to ask!!

Its only the early stages, ive worked out I will be 8/9 weeks gone while i'm out there, its calculated from the first day of your last AF isnt it?? Mine would have been 25th Aug.

Thanks for your congratulations!!

Sarah x

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