Just back from Emergency Doctors


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
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Took Mhairi upstairs at 6:30 for her bath, ran the bath, took her into her room to get her undressed, took her nappy off and :eek: it was full of blood!!!

No poo, just slightly wet and blood streaked.

Called my dad up the stairs (because I honestly thought I was seeing things!) and he said "Check her bum, where's it coming from" I had a look and there was blood and puss coming out her foofoo!!!!

She's had the sniffles since yesterday morning, and has been her normal self so I was completely shocked to see such a high level of infection!

Called NHS24 and they told me to go in. Went in, GP had a look, told me to swab it and gave me an antibiotic.

Now I have to try and find a cause, although I think I have a pretty good idea!

Mhairi would sit in a dirty nappy all day if I let her, it really doesn't bother her to have a dirty or wet nappy on, so I think she's had a pooey bum and because she's so active just now, she's managed to get some poo in places it shouldn't be. :?

I feel terrible! I'm so carefull when I clean her! My poor baby!
stuff like this can be common in little girls. Tia had it right up until she was 7 years old and she FINALLY learnt to clean herself properly. The best thing to do is clean her regularly with warm water and cotton wool, nothing else and only use the cotton wool for one swipe, then throw it away, you'll use tons of cotton. I also put metanium on after as with it bleeding, the metanium soothes and blocks wee getting on it and hurting.

Its incredibly uncomfy for them so encourage nappy off time too :)

It is caused by poop getting up there.. The bacteria in the poop has a nice warm, moist environment to fester in and the LO's don't seem to complain till its very bad... :cry:

I hope it clears up quickly though poor little thing :hug: :hug: :hug:

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