Crying when pooing


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2005
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Cally was playing on the floor when she started grunting and shaking her hands. Then she started to cry, really cry as if she was in apin. I took her nappy off and saw she had a poo, and that it was very different from her usual poo. She usually has typical breastfed poo, runny (with lumps in now we eat solids) but this one was like proper poo, wasn't hard but was more formed. As she had hger nappy of she started to poo again and began crying again. I noticed her bum was bleeding a little after she had this poo. After she had finished she was fine, is currently playing peepo with me (has taken me a while to type this out lol)

I am going to seemy HV later on as I have never had this before. Cally eats a good amount of veg and fruit, she has a cup of water but doesn't use it but she is still having regular breast feeds and appears to be getting enough fluids from there.

Any ideas anyone?It's really upsetting me to see her in pain :(
I *think* unless im going mad Moss has had a problem with her LO crying and pooing and shes just found out he has a hemeroid. Not saying thats what Cally has but might be worth looking for.

Really dont know what to say apart from poor Cally :(

Angel was like this a few weeks back, but she couldn't get it out. I had to put my fingers either side and press on her bum. As i did that it made her cry more, but the pressure forced it out. 3 days she struggled! Her bum bled too but after that she seemed fine. She had a couple of leaky nappies after.
When i spoke to my HV she said it was normal and down to her weaning. She'd been on solids a couple of months before it happened too.
We've had poo issues with Asher ever since he started weaning. He's much better now but we still get the odd day when he's crying and pushing for ages.

We've done it all. We've pulled it out ourselves, we've coached him, we've used suppositories, we've used lactulose. The only thing that has worked is the glycerol suppositories. If they're having problems, you gently insert one into their bum and it dissolves and lubricates the area. He's always had a poo within an hour of using them.

Asher has a very good diet also, with lots of water fruit and veg and homemade meals. Some babies just have a slower digestive tract than others.

I would always keep some suppositories in the house in case of emergencies.

Emms has the same thing some days. Today for instance. I was wondering what to do, I dont know if you can give babies prunes?!! If anyone knows let me know! I dont know if there is anything herbal that can be given to babs with constipation?
saw the hv, it isn't constipation as the poo was soft but it is her poo becoming more formed as she is eating more solids. the tear is apparently normal :think: and will heal up fine. She said it sounded as if I was giving her enough fruit but suggested I give her some citrus. She explained that Cally has a large rectum (lovely) and this is why her poos are bigger as it takes more poo to tell her brain to empty the bowel.

I am dreading the next poo :(
beanie said:
She explained that Cally has a large rectum (lovely)

WTF!? Did she measure it???? I've never heard anything like it!

I'm glad she isn't constipated though :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
lol, maybe it was the way Cally was sitting. My poor daughter, of all the things she could have been blessed with, a large rectum was not at the top of the list.
beanie said:
lol, maybe it was the way Cally was sitting. My poor daughter, of all the things she could have been blessed with, a large rectum was not at the top of the list.

still it might become a party piece in years to come or something to bring up at her 21st!
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Aww poor Cally!

I find when Imogen has a lot of grapes and strawberries her poo comes out soft but if she has bananna she gets a bit of constipation and crys.

Will Cally take a cup and have water? can you make a game of it so she drinks plently.

Poor kid being 'blessed' with a large rectum :rotfl:
I was going to say it sounds like she has a fissure. They are VERY painful so I feel for her. xxxxxx
We had real trouble with Finn's poos when he started on solids - he was really consitpated and didn't poo for 10 days - in the end we were prescibed Lactulose so you can imagine that day 11 we had an awful nappy! Anyway after that he was producing pebbles - and it even made his little bum bleed. We massaged his tummy, cycled his legs etc in an attempt to free it up a bit. I gave him prunes pureed and plenty of liquid which seemed to do the trick. Also a tiny bit of o.j diluted in water - really not enough to even colour the water - can do the trick. Another mum also suggested lemon to chew on!!

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