just a terrible week.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2010
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After feeling so positive last week I have come down with a bump. I have come on and i thought that i would feel better, like it was a new start but i dont I feel terrible. Im just so sad that im not pregnant anymore, I have done nothing but cry this week and not just a little cry after work as normal but full blown crying, I feel i am struggling to hold it together at work. Had some blood tests done at work and found that i am not immunised against measles so I went to have my MMR jab and found that its a course of 2 injections one today and the next in a month and then you have to wait 3 months till you can get pregnant. so much for being more fertile after m/c, that window of oppertunity will be well passed by then and there will be little or no chance of being pregnant by the due date in November.

Sorry for the rant.

Has anyone elso had mood swings and felt like they are coping and then suddenly struggling to get through the day without bursting into tears every 5 minutes.

thanks for listening.
hi hun i think its very normal how ur feeling. keep ur chin up sending lots of love xxxxxxx
Hi, Its only natural for you to feel like this hun, you have been through a very emotional time, lots of love xxx
Hey hon, I cried like anything when I came on after my mc - I think a lot of us do. So sorry for ur loss hon and big hugs xxx
When I miscarried in 2005 for weeks I would start to feel better then walking the dog one evening I just broke down again, it just came and went for no reason and is perfectly normal. Take your time and so sorry you have to wait!!!
I cried lots too when I got my first period after MC, just hits you hard a lovely visual reminder that your not pregnant anymore. It's totally normal, and I would say it's a great sign tfhat you now know you needed the measles jab and it wll protect you and baby when you fall pregnant again, I know it's a delay but you may be really ready to go again, and there is still a good chance of being pregnant by your EDD.

Sending you a big hug Nicola -:hug:
Hey...I'm right with you on this one. I had a Missed MC, and the medical procedure 4 weeks ago tomorrow. I have been signed off work and went back this monday, doing alright untill Tuesday when me and OH had huge row and i slept on sofa. The bleeding had pretty much stopped and then Tuesday night woosh!! large amounts again :wall2:.

I woke up this morning in floods of tears, aching from head to toe, worried that if i call the hospital they will drag me in again.

I am at home now as my office sent me home. Anyway i have just called the hospital and the nurse said that she is more than confident that this is my first cycle.(that explanes row with OH and plenty of tears this week) I'm saying all this as i think that i'm emotional like you and our hormones are all over the show right now. I so wish i was where i was 5 weeks ago. But on a positve note at least things are getting back to normal phsically. And hopefuly we can look back at all this in a new light one day.

I was going to post my teary week anyway, but at least i can say to u that u are defo not on your own and if you feel like a chat just say :)

Sending you hugs and i hope your ok soon and the months go quickly after your injections. :hug:xxx

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