***June 2020 mummies***

Glad something is helping!
I ended up sick last night was really bad.
We have chosen our names! I know it's so early but I couldn't help myself and I now have a firm leader for a boy and girl name.
It's Lucca and Mollie I have middle names aswell lol.
Everyone seems to think it's a boy this time!
I'm planning on doing a suprise gender reveal on Xmas day xx
I'm getting all excited now and letting myself get carried away so scared at same time tho as I know things went wrong for Me later on when u think everything would be fine xx
Aw congrats lynsey, glad everything went well with your scan.

@Zoeyy92 cyclizine is the only thing keeping me as a functioning human right now hahaha hoping the sickness eases soon for everyone

Had a fantastic birthday weekend there with my little girl and husband. We saw the christmas light switch on, went to the cinema to see The Lion King. Ate lots of nice food and my hubby started a new job yesterday which he loves already. So yeah...things are looking good. Haha I also managed to do a uni assignment yesterday that was due yesterday...talk about last minute but oh well

Hope everyone is keeping well xx
Sounds like a good bday weekend!
I'm still feeling pretty rough. Got loads coming up that I need to be ok for so I'm hoping to be feeling more like myself soon.
I have been home for the most of my pregnancy so far only venturing out for appointments or scans.
How's everyone?
Just an update from me
Had my scan today but baby was just measuring 1 day out for the screening so I have to go back next week for another scan.
My husband fainted at my scan it was so traumatic and I feel like I'm still recovering.
I will need to take my mum from now on. He has never ever been good with ultrasounds for some reason it always makes him feel faint.
How is everyone?
Doing good over here. Nausea has gone and I feel like I'm getting my energy back a little bit. I cant believe were coming to the end of trimester 1! Yikes! Has anyone bought anything yet??xxx
I have not purchased anything for baby yet but I just ordered one of those sneak peak gender tests
Have you got anything yet? Glad to hear your feeling a bit better. I'm the same getting there slowly but surely xx
Doing good here, cyclizine working good but still not much appetite, i have 0 motivation to do anything and tbh I've been in abit of a funk, hopefully it passes i just cant be botherd with anyone atm. I think it is because I went from being such a foodie and always on the go to not wanting anything and being so tired.
10+2 scan is in 2weeks i just wish it was here, i dont think I'm going to buy anything till January x
Hey I’m new on here my due date is June 6 2020, just had my 12 week ultrasound yesterday they say looks more like June 2nd,
Hi @Shayde welcome to June mummies
I'm 12 weeks today! Still feeling sick argh some good days some bad.
How's everyone holding up?! Xx
Had my dating scan girls. Dates bang on so I'm still due 12th June.
I'm green pathway so if things all go ok I can have baby in midwife unit.
Got an extra scan at 16 weeks at hospital for reassurance that's 30th Dec. How's everyone? Seems really quiet on here. I've added a wee pic of baby and it's really long legs!! Xx

Aw Lynsey, look at that little sweetheart!
Keep checking in on you, I'm so glad all is going well <3
Hi everyone currently 10+3 and still feeling extremely nauseous. Got my scan on the 23rd December! So just in time to make an xmas announcement!
Aww @Lynsey252831 , what a beautiful photo! Cant wait for mine next Monday!

Hopefully the nausea will pass for you soon @ButtercupDaisy. Mine stopped just after 10 weeks thankfully. I'm 12 weeks tomorrow and I'm feeling much better, however quite tired today.

So should we all be reaching the second trimester by the new year? Exciting!!!
Im still sick but it is getting better. Good luck with your scans girls
I'm officially in the second trimester today woohoo! IL set up a wee group on the second trimester page for us and we can move over there as we all progress.
I can't wait to start feeling normal for me it's normally around 14/15 weeks when the sickness really goes away. So almost there.
I'm booked in for my gender scan on 23rd and I'm having a gender reveal party on Xmas Eve can't wait xx
Hey, I’m 12 weeks EDD 26/06/20 with my first baby (which has been a very overwhelming and lengthy process), had a reassurance scan at 10+5 and I’ve got my 12 week scan 17/12/19.

congratulations everyone <3
Hi guys sorry been MIA i work in a salon so December is crazyyy!!
12wk scan went great, DD 21st June currently 13+5
Appetite is returning yeyyyy
Hope everyone is doing great xx

Hi girls a few of us have moved over to the trimester 2 boards feel free to come over there. That's why it's went quiet here xx

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